Ukrainian Intelligence 'Actively Recruiting' Extremists In Syria's Idlib: Lavrov

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-intelligence-actively-recruiting-extremists-syrias-idlib-lavrov

周四,俄罗斯外交部长谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫指责乌克兰在叙利亚、非洲萨赫勒地区和撒哈拉沙漠招募伊斯兰武装分子进行恐怖活动。 具体来说,他声称乌克兰情报人员在叙利亚伊德利卜降级区活跃,招募隶属于沙姆解放阵线(前称支持阵线)的武装分子。 拉夫罗夫声称,这些武装分子可能与基地组织有联系,正在策划新的恐怖行动。 今年早些时候,莫斯科克洛库斯市政厅恐怖袭击造成 145 人死亡,俄罗斯当局认为乌克兰情报部门在准备这次袭击中发挥了作用,此前曾有指控发表这一声明。 尽管证据有限,拉夫罗夫表示乌克兰可能雇佣叙利亚武装分子来解决其自身的人力问题,同时指出过去反阿萨德武装分子前往北非支持土耳其国防公司的例子。 只有一个重要的新闻来源,土耳其报纸《Aydınlık》声称,乌克兰已在伊德利卜会见了 HTS 领导人,讨论了一项无人机换战斗机的交易。



On Thursday Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov issued a bombshell of an accusation against Ukraine. He said that Ukrainian intelligence agents are "actively recruiting Islamist militants" in northwest Syria, the Sahara, as well as in the Sahel regions of Africa "to carry out terrorist operations."

"Now there is information that Ukrainian envoys, those of Ukrainian intelligence, are in the Idlib de-escalation zone on the territory of Syria, where they are recruiting militants of Jabhat al-Nusra, now called Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS)," the foreign minister said.

Illustrative via Reuters

Lavrov alleged that the al-Qaeda linked militants are being recruited for "new hideous operations planned." The fresh comments came during a conference involving the heads of Russian diplomatic missions abroad, held in Moscow.

"They are already looking further south, to the Sahara–Sahel zone of the African continent, where they are also carrying out terrorist attacks on government troops of numerous countries together with recruited extremists," Lavrov alleged of Ukrainian intelligence.

In the remarks the top Russian diplomat highlighted the Moscow Crocus City Hall terror attack which killed at least 145 people on March 22 of this year. At the time Russian authorities alleged that the four Islamic militant attackers had links to Ukraine and that some of their associates involved in the plotting tried to escape across the border. The attack was later claimed by ISIS.

"The investigation is still underway, but it has already revealed evidence that the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry was involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack. In particular, the escape routes of the killers across the Russian–Ukrainian border were planned in detail," Lavrov continued.

So it seems that Lavrov is accusing Ukraine of plotting more sabotage and terror attacks in side Russia by recruiting and paying Syrian and North African Islamist mercenaries.

The specific accusation regarding Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is interesting, given that the Syrian AQ group has long held Idlib province in northwest Syria. It has for years been fighting the Syrian and Russian militaries, and in 2015 Islamic fighters had first seized Idlib with the support of a NATO operations room in southern Turkey.

The only additional significant source claiming that Ukraine is tapping Syrian mercenaries is Turkish newspaper Aydinlik. The newspaper reported this week that Ukrainian government officials recently traveled to Idlib and met with members of Syria's HTS to discuss a "drones-for-fighters" deal. "A delegation from Ukraine went to Idlib in recent months and met with the leaders of the terrorist organization," the newspaper claimed of a meeting reportedly held in June.

Map source: NPR

However, there's been no specific proof. But it would perhaps be an interesting way for Ukraine to solve its manpower problems. Syrian anti-Assad militants have also been known to travel to north Africa in support of Turkish defense firms. Turkey has long overseen what's essentially a 'jihadist highway' in and out of Syria, or at other times "looked the other way". It all started in and after 2011, amid US-Gulf efforts to oust Bashar al-Assad.

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