FreeCAD 1.0 的第一个候选版本已经发布 The first release candidate of FreeCAD 1.0 is out


即将发布的 FreeCAD 1.0 的最新版本已经发布。 用户现在就可以下载。 早期采用者使用每周构建并分享他们的发现,通过报告测试期间发现的任何潜在问题,为改进软件做出了重大贡献。 为了覆盖更广泛的受众,正在分发候选版本,这应该会吸引那些通常对使用不稳定软件持谨慎态度的人。 目前,距离最终版本发布只剩下七个关键问题。 预计随着更多用户测试候选版本,可能会出现更多问题,这意味着进展。 尽管团队渴望推出 1.0 版本,但确保稳定且无错误的版本至关重要。 因此,鼓励用户下载候选版本 1 (RC1),在实际项目中工作或将其置于压力下以发现隐藏的故障,并通过问题跟踪器报告任何缺陷。 有兴趣做出贡献的开发人员可以查看未解决的问题、修复琐碎的问题、提交拉取请求并参加周一的每周合并会议。 欢迎大家加入并为 FreeCAD 1.0 的成功做出贡献。

The latest build of the upcoming FreeCAD 1.0 has been released. Users can download it now. Early adopters who use weekly builds and share their findings have contributed significantly towards improving the software by reporting any potential issues found during testing. To reach a wider audience, release candidates are being distributed, which should attract those normally cautious about using unstable software. At present, there are only seven critical issues remaining before the final release. It's expected that as more users test the release candidate, additional problems may arise, signifying progress. Although the team is eager to launch version 1.0, ensuring a stable and bug-free release is paramount. Therefore, users are encouraged to download the Release Candidate 1 (RC1), work on actual projects or put it under stress to discover hidden faults, and report any defects via the issue tracker. Developers interested in contributing can review open issues, fix trivial ones, submit pull requests, and participate in Monday's weekly merge meetings. Everyone is welcome to join and contribute towards the success of FreeCAD 1.0.

We’ve just pub­lished builds of the first release can­di­date for FreeCAD 1.0. You can down­load them here.

So far, we’ve enjoyed the con­tri­bu­tions of users who are hap­py to be liv­ing on the edge with our week­ly builds and report­ing what­ev­er bugs they run into. That real­ly helped us make the prover­bial edge less edgy.

The inten­tion behind mak­ing release can­di­dates is to give them into the hands of a dif­fer­ent demo­graph­ic — users who usu­al­ly stay away from unsta­ble soft­ware yet are hap­py enough to try very near­ly com­plete soft­ware and report issues they come across.

We are cur­rent­ly down to just 7 release block­ers, but we expect that the release can­di­dates will bump that num­ber up a tad, and that’s a good thing. While we des­per­ate­ly want 1.0 out, deliv­er­ing a real­ly sta­ble release is a big deal for us.

So please down­load the RC1, try it on a real project if you can, give it some real­ly hard time if you must, and report any bugs you see to our issue track­er.

If you are a devel­op­er who is inter­est­ed in con­tribut­ing to the effort, come look at the list of reports, pick an issue that seems triv­ial to resolve, write a fix, and sub­mit a pull request. We have week­ly merge meet­ings on Mon­days to go through the queue of cur­rent­ly open pull requests. You are wel­come to join!

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