美国《Politico》当天将泽连斯基描绘成“独裁者”,称负面报道都是 RT 的错
Politico Paints Zelensky As An 'Autocrat' On Very Day US Says Negative Coverage Is All RT's Fault

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/politico-paints-zelensky-autocrat-very-day-us-says-negative-coverage-all-rts-fault

2024年9月,Politico发表文章批评乌克兰总统泽连斯基的治理风格,将其描述为独裁且不负责任,同时也提到了对其政府腐败的担忧。 文章强调了泽连斯基对一个紧密联系的顾问团队的依赖,其中一些顾问缺乏正式资格,之前曾面临过腐败调查,或者因与泽连斯基意见分歧而被免职。 文章还指出,尽管有西方的支持,泽伦斯基还是表现出了罢免被认为不忠的官员的意愿,例如前外交部长德米特罗·库莱巴和瓦列里·扎卢日尼将军,他们的高支持率使他们对总统控制的政府构成威胁。 尽管批评泽连斯基的独裁倾向,但支持者认为,战时强有力的领导是必要的,特别是考虑到俄罗斯对乌克兰的侵略立场。 然而,反对者认为,其他战时领导人采取了不那么专制的做法,这意味着泽伦斯基的行为可能会破坏乌克兰对民主的承诺。 此外,泽伦斯基以戒严法为幌子暂停了即将举行的选举。 泽伦斯基形象的这一转变与之前的叙述形成鲜明对比,之前的叙述中他经常被描绘成乌克兰反腐败努力的捍卫者。 随着美国政府对俄罗斯官方媒体和影响力运动发动新的全球战争,对泽连斯基的这一批评性评估引发了人们对美国外交政策优先事项的质疑。



The below is not a Russian state media headline. 

Ironically on the very day that the Biden administration declared a global war on Russian state media and pro-Moscow 'influence campaigns', Politico published a rare piece directly going after President Zelensky, saying he's making terrible decisions and increasingly acting like an autocrat and power-hungry dictator. 

Of course, earlier in the war if any non-mainstream publication dared to issue similar warnings about what's really going on in Kiev, they were immediately put on the receiving end of severe pushback complete with loud denunciations of being 'pro-Kremlin' and somehow standing against NATO and democracy etc. etc. etc...

But now in mid-September 2024 here is no other than the ultra-establishment Politico bluntly highlighting Zelensky's "autocratic way of governing" while calling him "largely unaccountable" as he accrues an unprecedented level of power:

And unfortunately, the reshuffle is doing nothing to ease long-standing worries about Zelenskyy’s highly personalized and, according to some, autocratic way of governing — including his dependence on a clam-like inner circle of trusted friends and advisers within the presidential administration.

Accruing power and largely unaccountable, some of these individuals are unpaid and some have even been the focus of past graft probes.

Corruption in Ukraine? you don't say...

These were things that only a short while ago you weren't allowed to speak in public discourse, and when MSM publications did quietly take on the subject they typically cast US-backed Zelensky as some kind of crime-fighting anti-corruption hero who was going to clean the place up. It was the comforting narrative that the beltway echo chamber told itself while shoveling tens of billions of taxpayer money into Kiev's coffers.

Politico further comments on how Zelensky has recently booted even officials who were highly trusted and favored by the West: "Kuleba’s departure in particular is seen as yet another example of how Zelenskyy’s coterie ejects outliers who are ready to question and challenge," the publication writes.

"It’s in line with the earlier dismissal of armed forces commander General Valery Zaluzhny, who had clashed with Zelenskyy over war strategy and the need to mobilize many more to fight," the report continues. "Zaluzhny’s high favorability ratings didn’t endear him to a watchful and jealous presidential administration either."

But again, the ultimate irony in all this is that currently the world is being berated and lectured by a Biden administration which claims that if you ever say negative things about Ukraine or Zelensky, or anything so much as perceived as not being 'fully supportive' of the Zelensky government... then you must be some kind of paid Kremlin agent.

Oops... more from Politico: "Zelenskyy’s defenders say war requires a firm hand, and there’s no time for democratic niceties when battling a Russian autocrat who wants to erase Ukraine and doesn’t believe it should exist as a state. But while agreeing that the clamor of democracy shouldn’t be allowed to adversely affect Ukraine’s defense, Zelenskyy’s critics note that other wartime leaders took a markedly different approach." And of course, it's well known that Zelensky has canceled all future elections on an indefinite basis, in the name of martial law.

When the gatekeepers themselves begin to turn on the narrative, it's clear Washington has lost the plot. Perhaps that's why the US administration has begun to look more desperate, for example with its newly announced global war on RT News.

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