Germany Needs A Border Fence, Demands AfD Party Leader Alice Weidel

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/germany-needs-border-fence-demands-afd-party-leader-alice-weidel

由于担心移民青年的融合问题和伊斯兰恐怖主义威胁不断上升​​,德国联邦议院议员韦德尔主张修建边境围栏。 她的提议是继波兰等其他欧洲国家采取的类似行动之后提出的。 德国的公众舆论倾向于将移民视为负担而不是好处。 随着暴力和犯罪率的上升,执政的左翼政党在即将举行的地区选举之前似乎很脆弱。 反移民政党选择党在萨克森州和图林根州最近的选举中取得了巨大成功,两次获得超过30%的选票,成为图林根州的领先党。 除了呼吁建立边境围栏外,韦德尔还敦促就乌克兰问题进行和平谈判并立即停止武器运输,赢得了欢呼。 韦德尔表示,移民问题日益加剧的动荡和日益严峻的安全挑战可能会导致现有左翼政府垮台。



In the Bundestag, Weidel also made the same demand, saying that “hundreds of thousands of poorly integrated young men on our streets could raise the question of power at any time.”

Although the idea of a border fence was once smeared as taboo, border fences are now seen across Europe. For example, in the case of Poland, which built one along its border with Belarus due to the migrant crisis, Warsaw even received money from the EU to finance the fence.

Weidel said it is now time for Germany to build such a fence. With the majority of Germans saying migrants bring more disadvantages than benefits, and the vast majority of Germans wanting to block immigration from Muslim countries, Weidel’s message may prove a winning one. In recent months, a wave of Islamic terror attacks, coupled with soaring knife crime, rape, and violence, has sent the political establishment into a tailspin.

Far-left Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, known for her open borders policies, has now been forced to go so far as to announce she will enact border controls, all with an eye on elections in Brandenburg.

Weidel hopes that the state elections in Brandenburg in a week and a half will mark a turning point in the nation’s history, which may force the collapse of the current far-left ruling coalition.

“What we need are new elections,” said Weidel at a campaign appearance in Forst (Lausitz). If Brandenburg’s Minister-President Dietmar Woidke (SPD) “is thrown out here, if the SPD loses the whole thing, then I predict that something will start to slip in the SPD,” Weidel said. “Then we’ll have new elections.”

She also called for immediate peace negotiations for Ukraine and an end to arms deliveries, for which she also received much applause. In the elections in Saxony and Thuringia on Sept. 1, the AfD scored over 30 percent in each case, and became the strongest party in Thuringia.

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