布鲁塞尔警告苹果公司因 iOS 开发者限制而面临反垄断罚款
Brussels Warns Apple Of Antitrust Fines Over iOS Restrictions For Developers

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/brussels-warns-apple-antitrust-fines-over-ios-restrictions-developers

由于反竞争行为,周四,欧盟 (EU) 指示苹果公司在其 iOS 和 iPad OS 平台上允许第三方应用程序开发人员使用。 根据《数字市场法案》(DMA),欧盟要求 Apple 提供可访问的 API,让开发者能够控制基本的平台功能。 欧盟启动了两项调查程序,以帮助苹果满足这些要求。 一项调查集中于与 iOS 相关的互操作性问题,主要关注手表、耳塞和虚拟现实头盔等各种电子产品所使用的连接功能。 另一项调查检查了苹果处理开发者请求将其应用程序与 iOS/iPadOS 系统集成的请求的内部程序。 欧盟希望有一个明确、迅速和公正的流程,让开发者有机会通过与苹果移动设备的兼容连接来增强其应用程序。 六个月内不遵守规定可能会导致巨额罚款。 不到一周的时间,苹果就推出了具有先进人工智能功能的 iPhone 14。 iPhone 14 的推出恰逢苹果市场主导地位受到越来越严格的审查。 欧盟此前因苹果和谷歌在数字市场的主导地位而对其处以总计 130 亿欧元(159 亿美元)的罚款。 现在,欧盟要求苹果改变其服务,以便竞争对手能够访问 iPhone 和 iPad 操作系统。



The European Commission warned on Thursday that Apple must adhere to its interoperability obligations under the Digital Markets Act by allowing developers access to its iOS and iPadOS platforms or face a fresh round of antitrust penalties or fines early next year.

"Under the DMA, Apple must provide free and effective interoperability to third-party developers and businesses with hardware and software features controlled by Apple's operating systems, iOS and iPadOS, which are designated under the DMA," the Commission wrote in a statement. 

Antitrust regulators in Brussels stated two specification proceedings to assist Apple in complying with the DMA... 

The specification proceedings formalise the Commission's regulatory dialogue with Apple on certain specific areas of Apple's compliance with Article 6(7) DMA. Pursuant to Article 8(2) of the DMA, the Commission may, on its own initiative, adopt a decision specifying the measures a gatekeeper has to implement to ensure effective compliance with substantive DMA obligations, such as the interoperability obligation of Article 6(7) DMA.

  • The first proceeding focuses on several iOS connectivity features and functionalities, predominantly used for and by connected devices. Connected devices are a varied, large and commercially important group of products, including smartwatches, headphones and virtual reality headsets. Companies offering these products depend on effective interoperability with smartphones and their operating systems, such as iOS. The Commission intends to specify how Apple will provide effective interoperability with functionalities such as notifications, device pairing and connectivity.

  • The second proceeding focuses on the process Apple has set up to address interoperability requests submitted by developers and third parties for iOS and IPadOS. It is crucial that the request process is transparent, timely, and fair so that all developers have an effective and predictable path to interoperability and are enabled to innovate.

"Today is the first time we use specification proceedings under the DMA to guide Apple towards effective compliance with its interoperability obligations," EU competition chief Margrethe Vestager said in a statement, adding, "Effective interoperability, for example with smartphones and their operating systems, plays an important role in this."

Bloomberg noted, "While the announcement is a step shy of being a formal investigation, the EU aims to compel Apple to re-engineer its services to allow rival companies to access the iPhone's and iPad operating systems." 

Apple has six months to comply and open its iOS and iPadOS to third-party developers or face, as the Commission pointed out, the "possibility to impose fines or periodic penalty payments." 

The EU has cracked down on Apple in recent months.

Here are the latest developments:

This comes a little more than a week after Apple launched the iPhone 16, which has new AI capabilities, including Apple Intelligence

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