德国电动汽车需求锐减 69%
EV Demand In Germany Crashes 69%

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ev-demand-germany-crashes-69

根据欧洲汽车制造商协会 (ACEA) 的数据,2022 年 8 月,德国电动汽车 (EV) 销量大幅下降,下降约 69%。 这种下降是由于最近激励计划发生变化,导致中产阶级消费者更难获得电动汽车。 电动汽车销量的下降,以及新车注册量整体下降 16.5%,引发了人们对德国汽车工业及其经济健康状况的担忧。 经济衰退可能会影响大众汽车和雷诺等公司,由于计划于 2023 年收紧排放法规,这些公司可能面临处罚。ACEA 警告称,这一趋势预示着欧盟电动汽车面临危险,敦促欧盟机构在即将出台的二氧化碳排放目标之前采取政策行动 生效。 电动汽车需求的减少可能会使欧盟实现零排放目标的努力变得更加复杂。 此外,德国经济的不稳定与可能出现的衰退迹象同时发生。 9 月 8 日,德国央行表示,第三季度制造业和建筑业开局疲软,而家庭支出仍然低得令人失望。 这些因素促使大众汽车首次考虑关闭工厂。 总体而言,这一时期对德国经济、汽车行业以及清洁能源计划的未来提出了挑战。



Germany is sliding toward a recession, with the latest indicator flashing bright red. According to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association (ACEA), new August data show that the demand for electric vehicles crashed. 

ACEA reported a 69% plunge in EV deliveries in Germany last month, with just over 27,000. Across the region, there was a 36% drop. Sliding demand comes after Germany slashed incentives, making EVs less affordable for the working class.  

Bloomberg's visual on the EV crash in Germany last month provides an ominous reality for the EV space and highlights troubles mounting for Europe's largest economy. 

Source: Bloomberg

Across the continent, new car registrations tumbled 16.5% compared to a year ago.

Source: Bloomberg

"The downturn in EVs is putting carmakers like VW and Renault SA at risk of hefty fines as tighter European Union fleet-emissions rules are set to kick in next year," Bloomberg noted. 

ACEA warned, "A continuous trend of shrinking market share for battery electric cars in the EU sends an extremely worrying signal to industry and policymakers," adding automakers across the bloc must "call on the EU institutions to come forward with urgent relief measures before new CO2 targets for cars and vans come into effect." 

The slump in new EV sales could derail the EU's zero-emission deadlines in the coming years. This has also pressured Volkswagen to consider closing factories for the first time ever.

Furthermore, the timing of the EV downturn in the EU comes as Germany's economy may already be in a recession. 

The Bundesbank said Thursday that "the German economy is still navigating choppy waters," adding that the third quarter has been a very "weak start" for manufacturing and construction and disappointing household spending. 

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