USA Remains The World's Strongest Superpower

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/usa-remains-worlds-strongest-superpower

2024年,世界最强国家将根据经济、军事实力、贸易等多项指标进行排名。 根据这一排名,美国凭借其在国际金融和科技方面的优势,继续保持第一超级大国的地位。 美元在对外交易中大量使用,在全球资产中占据很大比例。 中国因其在贸易和经济产出中的重要作用而位居第二。 它还拥有强大的海军和现代化的国防部门。 印度尽管预计未来几年经济将快速增长,但总体排名第七,尽管它的人口可能是这些国家中最年轻的。 然而,由于收入差距,印度在个人经济影响方面落后于其他国家。 相反,小小的新加坡却拥有最高的“人均”评级,这表明其资源和机会在其公民中公平分配。 新加坡作为全球金融和贸易中心,吸引了大量外国投资。 为了更深入地了解全球经济发展趋势,请浏览我们的图表,该图表显示了未来十年按国家/地区划分的实际 GDP 预测。



The global economic order is stitched together by trade and economic collaboration, but these show signs of fraying.

With nationalism on the rise and cross-border trade flows stagnating, economies are growing more protectionist. At the same time, demographic shifts are driving economic growth and productivity in India and Asia, which could shift the global power balance.

This graphic, via Visual Capitalist's Dorothy Neufeld, ranks world superpowers in 2024, based on analysis from Ray Dalio’s Great Powers Index 2024.

Below, we show the total strength of world superpowers, based on a wide range of metrics including economic output, military strength, and trade. Additionally, we show per capita strength, indicating a country’s efficiency relative to its population:

The U.S. remains the world’s foremost superpower, bolstered by its dominance in global financial markets and technological innovation.

The U.S. dollar’s influence is widespread. Today, it involved in 85-90% of foreign currency exchange trades, accounting for 59% of foreign exchange reserves, and comprising around half of cross-border bank loans. Moreover, U.S. stock market capitalization represents 61% of the global total.

As the world’s largest exporter, China follows next, driven by its strength in trade and economic output. As one example, trade with Latin America has surged from $18 billion in 2022 to $450 billion in 2022. Strengthening its global position further is China’s growing military might. Today, the country has the world’s largest naval fleet and a highly modernized defense sector.

India, ranking in 7th, is projected to see the fastest real GDP growth over the next decade across major economies. Powering its growth is vast infrastructure spending and a young demographic. Yet on a per capita basis, India falls last, likely due to lower average per capita incomes and an uneven distribution of wealth.

By contrast, Singapore has the highest score on a per capita basis, illustrating that the nation’s power is the most evenly distributed across its population. The island country is a global hub for finance and trade, while foreign direct investment is a key driver of economic growth.

To learn more about this topic from an economic growth perspective, check out this graphic on real GDP projections by country over the next decade.

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