'If He Loses I'm F**ked': Musk And Tucker Carlson Sit Down For Must-Watch Interview

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/if-he-loses-im-fked-musk-and-tucker-carlson-sit-down-must-watch-interview

在接受塔克·卡尔森采访时,埃隆·马斯克讨论了各种话题,包括他对唐纳德·特朗普的支持、对民主的担忧以及对影响星链的政府决策的批评。 马斯克表示担心,由于涉嫌操纵移民政策,特朗普的失败将终结美国的民主。 马斯克还讨论了利用星链进行飓风救援的问题,批评了联邦通信委员会取消合同的决定。 他抨击了对爱泼斯坦丑闻涉及的个人缺乏问责,并预测如果特朗普获胜,将公布客户名单。 马斯克批评了重复接种 COVID-19 疫苗的做法,质疑其功效和长期安全性。 他谴责了被视为犯罪非刑罪化的政策,并将犯罪率上升归咎于这些政策。 在社会问题上,马斯克表达了对欧洲出生率下降的担忧,并强调了宗教在社会中的重要性。 他警告说,失去宗教信仰会对社会凝聚力产生潜在后果。



Tucker Carlson sat down with Elon Musk for an extensive interview this week, where they covered a broad spectrum of topics that ranged from political endorsements and disaster relief efforts to social issues and technological advancements.

Musk offered his perspective on current events - including his enthusiastic support for Donald Trump, his concerns about democracy, and his criticisms of government decisions affecting his businesses like Starlink. Musk also shared his views on broader societal trends, such as the declining birthrate in Europe and the influence of religion in modern society.

Musk also shared his thoughts on the impact of technology in everyday life, including artificial intelligence and the intersection of big tech and global politics.

All In On Trump

"If Trump loses, I really fear for what's going to be left of democracy in America," said Musk, suggesting that immigration policies have been manipulated to bolster Democratic voter bases, potentially undermining the fairness of elections.

Musk also suggested that if Trump loses, "I'm fucked."

Starlink to Hurricane Victims

Musk discusses the use of Starlink to aid victims of Hurricane Helene, criticizing the Federal Communications Commission's decision to cancel a contract that Starlink had won previously. According to Musk, "The FCC pulled the rug under us after a political decision," suggesting that the decision was influenced by partisan politics rather than practical considerations.

The Last Election

Musk warns that if Trump doesn't win in November, it will be the end for genuine democratic elections in the United States. He argues that certain policies favor a demographic shift intended to secure a permanent Democratic majority. "If Trump doesn't win this election, it's the last election we're going to have."

Epstein and Diddy

The pair then discussed the Epstein client list, with Musk slamming the lack of accountability for high-profile individuals implicated in Epstein's scandals - and predicting that if Trump wins, the Epstein client list "is going to become public."

"It’s strange that there has been no significant action against those on the list," Musk remarked.


Musk then touched on vaccines, slamming the push for repeated COVID-19 jabs and the morality of forcing people to take them. He questions the efficacy and safety of continually administering boosters, especially without substantial data to support long-term health impacts.

The Movement to Decriminalize Crime

Musk criticizes policies that he perceives as effectively decriminalizing certain behaviors, linking them to rising crime rates in cities like San Francisco. He specifically slams laws that reduce penalties for theft under $1,000, arguing that they hurt small businesses and encourage lawlessness. He also slammed California Governor Gavin Newsom, whose policies he says are ineffective and detrimental to the state’s economic and social health. Musk predicts that these policies, if not revised, might lead to significant long-term problems for California.

Europe’s Declining Birthrate (53:11) The conversation turns to Europe's declining birthrate, with Musk expressing concerns about demographic trends and their implications for Europe's future. He emphasizes the need for policies that encourage family formation and higher birth rates to sustain economic and cultural vitality.

We Need Religion

Musk emphasized the importance of religion in society, arguing that it provides a necessary moral framework and sense of community. He warns against the loss of religious adherence, suggesting it could lead to a breakdown in societal cohesion.

Watch the entire interview above, and subscribe to the Tucker Carlson Network here.

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