Authored by Frank Meile via,
The reelection of Donald Trump represents, if not the single greatest comeback in political history, certainly the largest middle finger ever shown to the smug, self-centered, superior-minded elitists who think the rest of us are garbage.
Of course, we didn’t need President Biden to call us “garbage” for everyday Americans to know that what we care about means nothing to the establishment. But Biden obliged anyway, and put an exclamation point to the final sorry week of Kamala Harris’ galling campaign.
You just can’t get any worse than “garbage” – or can you? Isn’t Nazi worse? After all, the Nazis killed 17 million people. If you include all the victims of fascism, you can get that number up to 20 million. But for some reason, the legacy media didn’t care when Harris and her surrogates repeatedly called Trump and his supporters Nazis or fascists.
You almost get the feeling that the left-leaning press despises Republicans as much as Biden, Harris, and the rest of the Democrats do. If you had any doubt, the totally bogus claim that Trump said he wanted to execute Liz Cheney was the last straw. He was making a perfectly valid argument that the former congresswoman would be less inclined to support wars if she had to fight in them. But apparently that was too sophisticated an attack for the news professionals who decided to lie about it. Instead, they maliciously claimed that Trump literally wanted to put Cheney in front of a firing squad.
Overall, the past three weeks have been instructive in just how little the nation’s elites in the media and politics respect average citizens, and just how much they think they can manipulate us into believing their lies.
It’s nothing new, but the latest iteration started on Oct. 13 when Kamala Harris began peddling the “enemy within” hoax, which would have voters believe that Trump had said he planned to use the military against his political opponents.
In fact, that never happened. Fox News host Maria Bartiromo interviewed Trump and said that Joe Biden doesn’t expect a peaceful Election Day. She asked Trump if he was expecting chaos that day, but she specifically asked about the impact of outside agitators, bringing up the case of an Afghan who was charged with a terror plot, and also mentioning Chinese nationals and criminals who had crossed the border illegally.
It was in this context that Trump said he wasn’t worried about outside agitators, but rather “the enemy from within,” meaning American citizens who might riot following the election, just as happened in 2016. He continued:
I think the bigger problem are the people from within. We have some very bad people. We have some sick people, radical left lunatics, and … it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by the National Guard, or if really necessary by the military, because they can’t let that happen.
This turned into the closing argument of the Harris campaign, claiming that Trump had promised to unleash the military on his political opponents. It was yet another hoax by Democrats and the media, which is either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest. CNN’s headline was typical: “Trump suggests using military against ‘enemy from within’ on Election Day.”
Notice that Trump didn’t “suggest” using the military; he said that chaos could be averted “if necessary” by the National Guard or “if really necessary” by the military. He never suggested this was his plan.
The most obvious part of the lies told by CNN, Harris, and all the Democratic Party machinery was that Trump could do anything, anything at all, about Election Day violence. NOTE TO CNN: On Election Day, Joe Biden will be the president, not Donald Trump. In saying that “they can’t let that happen,” Trump was actually crediting Biden with the common sense not to let violence disrupt our most sacred democratic ritual of voting.
Yet for more than a week, Harris and her allies peddled this nonsense to convince voters that Trump is “unhinged, unstable and unchecked.”
Then, almost as though on cue, just over one week later on Oct. 22, Atlantic magazine editor Jeffrey Goldberg wrote a scandalous article that quoted anonymous sources as saying Trump had insulted the family of Vanessa Guillén, a Mexican-American soldier who was murdered in Texas. The article included a quote from Guillén’s sister praising President Trump for his kindness to the family, but Goldberg essentially pretended the quote didn’t exist. Instead he smeared Trump as a heartless exploiter.
Later in the same article, Goldberg quoted Gen. John Kelly, Trump’s disgruntled former White House chief of staff, as saying Trump had told him, “I need the kind of generals that Hitler had.”
This dubious old quote was dusted off and included in the article for only one reason – to give Kamala Harris and the Democrats and the talking heads on CNN and MSNBC more fodder for their “Trump is a fascist” narrative. Lots of White House staffers were ready to deny the Kelly story, but that didn’t matter to Goldberg. Let ’er rip.
And as further evidence of media collusion with the Harris campaign, the New York Times on the same day, Oct. 22, revealed an interview with Gen. Kelly in which he said that Trump “falls into the general definition of fascist” and “certainly prefers the dictator approach to government.”
This double whammy of remarks by Kelly gave Harris permission to expand her attack on Trump as a fascist, and it quickly became apparent that her campaign was going to replace “joy” with “fear” as the closing argument.
The media ran with this as a willing partner in the attempt to keep Trump out of the White House. And even before Trump held a historic rally at Madison Square Garden on Oct. 27, many news outlets drew bizarre comparisons to a 1939 pro-Nazi rally held by the German American Bund in an earlier iteration of the world-famous arena. Yes, that 1939 rally was an offensive anti-American gathering, but it had nothing to do with Trump’s rally in a different building 85 years later.
Moreover, the Fake News historians somehow missed the fact that in 1933, shortly after Adolf Hitler was named chancellor of Germany, the American Jewish Congress held a National Day of Protest in the same venue. The National Park Service, in its history of Madison Square Garden, writes that “After a day of fasting and prayer, more than 55,000 people flooded MSG III and the streets surrounding it for the largest rally. Jewish leaders, union presidents, politicians, and Christian clergy addressed the crowd. They denounced the Nazis and compared the persecution of European Jews to the terror of the Ku Klux Klan.”
The media somehow also missed the fact that there were Israeli flags and Orthodox Jews at Trump’s rally, along with two former Democratic presidential candidates, the richest man in America, a black congressman, and a variety of Jewish advisers. All that mattered in the long run was that rally organizers had invited an obscure insult comedian named Tony Hinchcliffe to open the show. Turned out Hinchcliffe lived up to his title and insulted a variety of people and ethnic groups, including Puerto Ricans.
“I don’t know if you guys know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico,” he joked.
The media went nuts, claiming that Trump was racist because the comedian had insulted Puerto Rico. But that never made any sense.
Yes, it was an uncomfortable joke, one that seemed inappropriate in the middle of a political campaign where former President Trump has been working hard to build up his share of the Hispanic vote. But it was a joke, and though most in the audience had no idea, it wasn’t a random insult, but a topical one.
Puerto Rico has a trash problem thanks to a variety of causes, and it’s something a future president of the United States should help to resolve.
But the current president can’t be bothered. Instead of using the tasteless joke to bring attention to the plight of our fellow citizens in Puerto Rico, President Biden deflected attention away from the island and provocatively said “The only garbage I see floating out there is his [Trump’s] supporters.”
Which brings us full circle to the disastrous last week of the Harris campaign. As she lectured her would-be constituents during a speech on the Ellipse in D.C., preaching peace, brotherhood, and unity, her boss Joe Biden was in the White House behind her, telling a Zoom call that Trump supporters are “garbage.” You can’t make this stuff up.
The Democratic Party has been unmasked once again as the party of hypocrisy, insincerity, and smugness. Just as in 2016 when the MAGA base embraced Hillary Clinton’s description of them as “deplorables,” so too did the Trump faithful now begin to greet each other as pieces of garbage. When Trump descended from his jet in Green Bay and entered a garbage truck wearing a sanitation worker’s orange vest, he closed the deal with millions of voters who are tired of being ignored.
Don’t ever underestimate how much the establishment hates Donald Trump, but also, don’t ever underestimate how much everyday Americans hate the establishment. End of story.
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Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell, Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. His book “The Media Matrix: What If Everything You Know Is Fake” is available from his Amazon author page. Visit him at or follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA and on X/Gettr @HeartlandDiary.