特朗普任命前 ICE 局长汤姆·霍曼为“边境沙皇”
Trump Taps Former ICE Director Tom Homan As 'Border Czar'

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-taps-former-ice-director-tom-homan-border-czar

当选总统唐纳德·特朗普打算任命前 ICE 代理局长汤姆·霍曼为“边境沙皇”。 霍曼以在移民问题上的强硬立场而闻名,他将负责边境管制和非法外国人驱逐出境。 霍曼强烈反对非法移民,呼吁驱逐所有非法外国人。 他认为国家安全比驱逐出境的成本更重要。 除了边境安全外,特朗普政府还计划破坏与贩毒有关的金融网络。 芬太尼和其他药物(主要来自中国和墨西哥)引发的用药过量危机将成为焦点。 特朗普承诺根除墨西哥卡特尔,强调“毫不留情”的做法。 通过任命霍曼并解决贩毒网络问题,政府旨在加强法律和秩序并解决吸毒过量危机。



President-elect Donald Trump revealed on Sunday night that he plans to appoint Tom Homan, who served as the acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement between 2017 and 2018, as the next "border czar." 

"I am pleased to announce that the Former ICE Director, and stalwart on Border Control, Tom Homan, will be joining the Trump Administration, in charge of our Nation's Borders ("The Border Czar"), including, but not limited to, the Southern Border, the Northern Border, all Maritime, and Aviation Security," Trump wrote on Truth Social

Trump continued, "I've known Tom for a long time, and there is nobody better at policing and controlling our Borders. Likewise, Tom Homan will be in charge of all Deportation of Illegal Aliens back to their Country of Origin." 

"Congratulations to Tom. I have no doubt he will do a fantastic, and long awaited for, job," Trump said. 

In recent weeks, Homan gave one of the most based interviews on immigration to the far-left media outlet CBS News' 60 Minutes. When asked about the taxpayer cost of deporting millions of illegal aliens, he responded, "What price do you put on national security?"

At the Republican National Convention in July, Homan told Trump supporters: "I've got a message ... to all the illegal aliens in violation of federal law ... you better start packing now." 

Homan recently torched far-left activist lawmaker Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez while on The Hill.

While Homan secures the southern and northern borders and oversees the deportation of illegal aliens, there will be significant moves by the Trump administration to disrupt and destroy dark money financial and trade networks that have sparked the horrific 100,000 US drug death overdose crisis per year caused by fentanyl and other drugs - much of which starts as precursor chemicals shipped from China, cooked into fentanyl by Mexican cartels, then flooded in the Lower 48. 

More on Trump's plan to eradicate Mexican cartels: "Show No Mercy": Trump's Campaign Pledge To Annihilate Mexican Cartels Goes Viral.

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