Mark Cuban Apparently Scrubs Pro-Kamala Posts After Election

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mark-cuban-apparently-scrubs-pro-kamala-posts-after-election

卡玛拉·哈里斯的前支持者马克·库班删除了一些赞扬她和批评唐纳德·特朗普的推文。 库班声称这是他的常规做法,但一些人认为这表明他的政治立场发生了转变。 TikTok 的 Libs 和其他保守派账户强调了库班的删除行为,表明他正试图与失败的哈里斯竞选团队保持距离。 库班回应称,他一直删除推文,并且在之前的选举中也这样做过。 库班的行为引起了不同的反应。 一些人质疑他的可信度,而另一些人则捍卫他改变主意的权利。 这一事件引发了人们对库班未来潜在政治抱负以及社交媒体在塑造政治话语中的作用的质疑。



Mark Cuban was one of Kamala Harris' most vocal supporters, posting tweets expressing his admiration for Harris-Walz while denouncing Trump and his supporters. After Trump's presidential election victory, Cuban appears to have scrubbed posts on the 'free speech' social media platform, though he claims this is just regular activity.

"Mark Cuban is apparently deleting a bunch of his pro-Kamala posts," Libs of TikTok said...

X user Kevin Dalton said Cuban's account conducted a "pretty serious purge of posts on the 7th." 

Clown World said, "Mark Cuban just scrubbed every post he ever made about Kamala." 

Cuban then responded to Libs of TikTok's post, "I've always gone back and deleted tweets.  For years.  Same with 2020 election. 2016 election. Same with other stuff.  You can use the wayback machine if you really want to see them." 

Libs of TikTok responded with: "Thank for clarifying. Was this one of your deleted tweets? Why delete it?" 

CNBC's Joe Kernen couldn't stop laughing about the whole situation, which he said, "LoL." 

Let's remind readers that Cuban enthusiastically picked up his liberal pom-poms in the months before the election, cheering across X and in corporate media about how fantastic the Harris-Walz campaign was... And he also bashed Trump supporters. 

Then, in the days before the election... (was this the point when Harris' team ran out of money? - after blowing a billion dollars...): 

Why did Cuban nuke his credibility in backing one of the worst political campaigns in a generation? After all, Trump secured 312 electoral votes, the popular vote, the Senate, and a majority in the House.

Also, the nation shifted heavily towards the right. 

If Cuban plots a future presidential run, X users won't forget this meme...

Come on, Mark, you're smarter than this.

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