拜登在特朗普上任前向乌克兰追加 2.75 亿美元武器
Biden Rushes $275M More In Weapons To Ukraine Before Trump Enters Office

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/biden-rushes-275m-more-weapons-ukraine-trump-enters-office

随着当选总统特朗普就职典礼的临近,乌克兰鹰派正急于向乌克兰提供尽可能多的援助。 在拜登政府授权对俄罗斯进行远程导弹袭击后,五角大楼宣布了一项价值 2.75 亿美元的武器计划。 这种升级促使俄罗斯发出核警告,因为在俄罗斯领土上使用 ATACMS 导弹都需要北约的参与。 克里姆林宫希望特朗普重返办公室能够停止北约的干预并防止核升级的风险。



There are just two months before President-elect Donald Trump takes office, and Ukraine hawks are feeling the pressure. For them, apparently it's time to flood Zelensky's coffers with as much money as possible ahead of the possibility that Trump may cut off the tap, after having on the campaign trail called Zelensky "the greatest salesman on earth".

"The Pentagon will send Ukraine at least $275 million in new weapons, US officials said Tuesday, as the Biden administration rushes to do as much as it can to help Kyiv fight back against Russia in the remaining two months before President-elect Donald Trump takes office," The Associated Press reports Tuesday afternoon.

Via Shutterstock.com

And alarmingly, the same report observes that "In rapid succession this week, President Joe Biden gave Ukraine the authority to fire longer-range missiles deeper into Russia and then Russian President Vladimir Putin formally lowered the threshold for using nuclear weapons."

Contents or details of the new aid package have yet been made public, but there could be more missiles and equipment supporting the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS), which was used by the Ukrainians Tuesday against Russian territory, marking a new escalation.

The geopolitical analysis blog Moon of Alabama has zeroed in on why US authorization for ATACMS attacks on Russian soil is such a big deal:

We do not know yet if the new authorized use for ATACMS munition on targets within Russia is only relevant for the cluster ammunition missile type or for high explosive ATACMS missiles with a reach of 300 kilometer.

However, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has correctly pointed out that ANY use of ATACMS requires the involvement of NATO (U.S/UK) assets for acquiring the targeting data and for planning and programming the missile's mission.

Any use of ATACMS onto Russian proper is thus an act of war by NATO against the Russian Federation. The Russian response to such will be appropriate but may well surface in a theater far from Ukraine.

Indeed President Putin and Kremlin officials have echoed precisely this point of view of late, which is also why Putin signed into effect a new expansion of Russia's nuclear doctrine.

According to the newly expanded doctrine, in the event Western powers assist another nation in a major attack on Russian soil, those same Western powers will also be held responsible. This can trigger Russian nuclear launch. But so far Russian officials have made it clear that they do not anticipate nuclear war.

Clearly the Kremlin is awaiting patiently the return of Donald Trump to the White House, hoping this will stop NATO's steady escalation of involvement in the war on Ukraine's behalf.

Meanwhile, with all that money for Ukraine floating around, and constant transfers of arms, this exchange is important to recall...

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