Former Green Beret: Trump Can "Turn Loose Delta Force" On The Cartels

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/former-green-beret-trump-can-turn-loose-delta-force-cartels

前绿色贝雷帽队员埃文·哈弗建议当选总统特朗普可以部署美国特种部队打击墨西哥贩毒集团。 哈弗认为,这样的行动对卡特尔来说将是毁灭性的,因为他们将面临来自三角洲特种部队和海豹六队等精英部队的前所未有的暴力。这一提议符合特朗普之前的声明以及即将上任的边境沙皇汤姆·霍曼的意图,后者的目标是根除卡特尔。 贩毒集团使用特种作战部队。



Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

During a discussion with Joe Rogan, former Green Beret Evan Hafer, noted that if president-elect Trump decides to go to war with the cartels he could opt to use US Special Forces to destroy them.

Hafer noted “if we declare war on the cartel, these dudes are not going to understand what the fuck is going on,”

They are in for a world of ultra violence they’ve never actually felt before because you know, obviously this is a very capable violent organization,” Hafer added.

He continued, “They have fucking no clue if we organize these tier one units against them this is gonna be — what I would be doing if I was down there… I’d be getting ready to retire right now,” 

“That’s what I would be doing. Because if Delta Force is hunting me bro, I would be so terrified,” Hafer further urged.

"I thought about this for a long time where I’m like if they turn loose Delta Force and SEAL Team 6 on cartels and pedophiles, we could just kind of like erase the problem in about two years. It’d be gone,” Hafer, the founder of Black Rifle Coffee Company, emphasised.

Trump has repeatedly said that this option is on the table.

His incoming border czar Tom Homan also recently stated that Trump intends to “use the full might of the United States Special Operations to take ’em out,” and “ take ’em off the face of Earth.”

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