Key Dates In Lead Up To Trump's Inauguration

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/key-dates-lead-trumps-inauguration

在经历了动荡的选举季之后,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普的就职典礼即将到来。 活动前夕的关键日期包括: **12 月 11 日:** 各州确认选举结果。 **12 月 17 日:** 选举团投票选出总统。 **12 月 20 日:** 政府资助到期。 **1 月 3 日:** 新一届国会会议开始,共和党控制众议院和参议院。 **1 月 6 日:** 国会认证选举结果。 **1 月 20 日:** 特朗普宣誓就任总统。 就职典礼上,特朗普总统和候任副总统 J.D. 万斯将宣誓就职,随后将举行军事游行和阅兵。 新国会和特朗普将全权制定政府政策。



Authored by Stacy Robinson via The Epoch Times,

After a rocky election season marked by two assassination attempts, President Joe Biden leaving the race just ahead of their convention, and a decisive victory by the Republican candidate, the swearing-in date for the new president is on the horizon.

Here are a few key dates before the inauguration of President-elect Donald Trump.

Dec. 11: States Certify Election Results

Six days before the state electors officially cast their votes reflecting the election results from Nov. 5, according to federal law, “the executive of each State shall issue a certificate of ascertainment of appointment of electors.”

In this case, the “executive” is the state governor, and the certificate names the residents appointed as the electors for each state. Although the process changes from state to state, electors are usually nominated and chosen by each political party at their convention.

Dec. 17: Electoral Colleges Vote

On Dec. 17, the electors will meet at a designated location, usually the state capitol, to cast their votes for the president. Normally, their votes reflect the decision of that state’s residents, but occasionally, the electors go rogue and pick a different candidate.

This happened in 2016 when three electors from Washington voted, in protest, for Gen. Colin Powell instead of for Hillary Clinton.

Dec. 20: Government Funding Expires

The funding of the government tends to be a sticky process as both sides of the aisle seek cash for their issue areas in 2025. The process often results in numerous “band-aid” spending bills, with Congress passing a final omnibus bill at the last minute.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) wants to avoid this by passing one more temporary funding package—known as a continuing resolution—that will carry on into 2025 and give the new Congress and Trump a free hand to shape the government.

The Farm Bill, which funds the SNAP food stamp program, will be at the top of the list—this year’s bill is expected to be around $1.5 trillion.

Biden has also asked Congress to provide another $100 million in disaster relief funding, with $40 million slated to go to FEMA to shore up relief efforts after hurricanes Helene and Milton.

Jan. 3: New Session of  Congress Begins

The 119th session of Congress kicks off on Jan. 3, and Republicans have maintained control of the House of Representatives.

This year’s election also saw the GOP retake control of the Senate, which means that the chamber of Congress will have a new majority leader. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will step down as the leader of Senate Republicans, and Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) will take his place.

Although Thune and Trump have been at odds in the past, they expressed a willingness to cooperate following the South Dakota senator’s elevation to majority leader on Nov. 13.

“We are ready to get to work with unified Republican leadership to implement President Trump’s agenda,” Thune said on X on Nov. 14.

Jan. 6: Congress Certifies the Election

In a joint session of Congress on Jan. 6, members of the House and Senate will certify their state’s electoral votes. The final certification will come from the president of the Senate—Vice President Kamala Harris, who lost to Trump on Nov. 5.

Jan. 20: President, Vice President Inaugurated

On Jan. 20 the inauguration will occur with Vice-President-elect J.D. Vance being sworn in first at noon.

Trump will then take the oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

A military procession and a parade down Pennsylvania Ave will follow the inauguration.

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