China Is The World's Manufacturing Superpower


根据联合国统计司公布的数据,2022 年中国制造业产出占全球制造业产出的 31%。如下图所示,Statista 的 Felix Richter 显示,这使得中国领先排名第二的美国近 15 个百分点。used to have the world’s largest manufacturing sector until China overtook it in 2010. You will find more infographics at Statista With total value added by the Chinese manufacturing sector amounting到2022年,制造业产值将占该国经济总量的近30%,将超过5万亿美元。如今,美国经济对制造业的依赖程度大大降低:2022 年,制造业占美国国内生产总值 (GDP) 的比重略高于 10%。中国在全球制造业中的主导地位如此之大,以至于其制造业的增加值大致相当于世界上排名第二的七个制造业国家的产出总和。



According to data published by the United Nations Statistics Division, China accounted for 31 percent of global manufacturing output in 2022.

As Statista's Felix Richter shows in the chart below, that puts the country almost 15 percentage points ahead of second-placed United States, which used to have the world’s largest manufacturing sector until China overtook it in 2010.

Infographic: China Is the World's Manufacturing Superpower | Statista

You will find more infographics at Statista

With total value added by the Chinese manufacturing sector amounting to more than $5 trillion in 2022, manufacturing accounted for nearly 30 percent of the country’s total economic output.

The U.S. economy is much less reliant on manufacturing these days: in 2022, the manufacturing sector accounted for just over 10 percent of the country's gross domestic product.

China's global manufacturing dominance is so large that the value added in its manufacturing sector roughly matches the combined output of the next seven largest manufacturing countries in the world.

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