Zelensky Rejects Trump's Demand For Ukraine Peace After Paris Meeting

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/zelensky-rejects-trumps-demand-ukraine-peace-after-paris-meeting

在与当选总统特朗普会面后,乌克兰总统泽伦斯基拒绝了特朗普立即停火和谈判的呼吁。泽连斯基强调需要保证防止俄罗斯再次侵略并保护被占领的乌克兰领土。 特朗普的声明表明乌克兰愿意进行谈判,但泽连斯基反驳了这一点,称和平不能仅通过签字来实现。他强调了乌克兰巨大的军事和民事损失以及公正和持久解决方案的必要性。 尽管特朗普不愿与泽连斯基和马克龙会面,但据报道,这次会面富有成效。然而,乌克兰已明确表示拒绝任何不加入北约的和平计划,而西方领导人仍对挑起与俄罗斯的核对抗持谨慎态度。



Shortly after meeting with Zelensky and Macron in Paris on Saturday, President-elect Donald Trump demanded an "immediate ceasefire and negotiations" to begin in Ukraine. The statement posted to his official social media accounts also affirmed that Ukraine "would like to make a deal and stop the madness."

But Zelensky and Trump are clearly not exactly on the same page, as Zelensky immediately contradicted Trump's assertion. Zelensky in his own post on X said the war with Russia "cannot simply end with a piece of paper and a few signatures."

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"A ceasefire without guarantees can be reignited at any moment... To ensure that Ukrainians no longer suffer losses, we must guarantee the reliability of peace and not turn a blind eye to occupation," the Ukrainian leader continued.

He emphasized that "in the occupied territories of Ukraine, at least several million people remain"—which is tantamount to Zelensky saying that he is rejecting the possibility of territorial concessions.

”It is precisely such peace through strength that we discuss with all our partners, as well as the steps and guarantees needed for the people and the state attacked by Russia,” Zelensky said.

Trump had interestingly in his original statement alluded to China possibly helping with peace negotiations. According to more from Trump's full statement:

“Likewise, Zelenskyy and Ukraine would like to make a deal and stop the madness. They have ridiculously lost 400,000 soldiers, and many more civilians,” Trump wrote on Sunday. “There should be an immediate ceasefire and negotiations should begin. Too many lives are being so needlessly wasted, too many families destroyed, and if it keeps going, it can turn into something much bigger, and far worse.”

He added, “I know Vladimir well. This is his time to act. China can help. The World is waiting!” 

As for Zelensky's perspective on how the Paris meeting involving Trump and Macron went, Zelensky later described, "I stated that we need a just and enduring peace — one that the Russians will not be able to destroy in a few years, as they have done repeatedly in the past."

Zelensky elsewhere said the meeting was "good and productive". This even after Axios and other outlets said that Trump was reluctant to hold the meeting in the first place, but "eventually agreed".

A few days ahead of the Paris meeting a Ukrainian government statement made clear that the country will reject any alternative to NATO membership if it is proposed as part of a peace plan with Moscow. But Western leaders have appeared cold to this, seeing in it a recipe for nuclear-armed confrontation with Russia.

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