DOGE 可以调查 10 个由纳税人资助的令人发指的高等教育研究项目
10 Outrageous Taxpayer-Funded Higher-Ed Research Projects DOGE Can Investigate


众议院委员会正在与 DOGE 合作,消除高等教育中的浪费和欺诈行为。大学校园存在大量浪费性支出,包括联邦政府资助的研究,例如: - 教鸽子用老虎机赌博(465,339 美元) - 研究黑猩猩为何扔粪便(592,527 美元) - 调查酒精对雀类歌曲的影响(500 万美元) - 研究可卡因对蜜蜂的影响(240,000 美元) - 在跑步机上跑虾以测试活动能力(130 万美元) - 探索自拍对幸福的影响(500,000 美元) - 分析法国屠夫使用的秘密语言(30,000 美元) - 对不同身体部位的蜜蜂蜇伤疼痛程度进行排名(100 万美元) - 研究增强金鱼性行为的因素(360 万美元) - 开发扫描垃圾的人工智能厕所(700 万美元) 由埃隆·马斯克和维韦克·拉马斯瓦米领导的 DOGE 预计将建议国会调查这些可疑的支出,特别是那些宣扬极左意识形态的支出。



The House Education Committee on Education and the Workforce is set to work with the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) to “cut back waste” and “fraud” in higher education. 

Much wasteful spending is happening on America’s college campuses.

Here are 10 outrageous examples of university studies funded by taxpayer dollars obtained by Campus Reform:

1. Gambling for Pigeons 

The National Institute of Health (NIH) granted $465,339 to researchers at Reed College in Portland, Oregon to “create a token-based economy where pigeons are taught to gamble with slot machines.”  

The study gave pigeons tokens that they can “earn, accumulate, spend, or gamble” on slot machines, the New York Post reports. 

2. Chimps Throwing Feces

The US National Institutes of Health spent $592,527 at Emory University in Atlanta to explore why chimpanzees throw feces. Another $117,000 was necessary to conclude that most chimps are right-handed, the Washington Examiner reports. 

Their research suggests that throwing feces is a sign of intelligence in chimps. 

3. Drunken Finches

The National Institutes of Health gave $5 million to the Oregon Health & Science University to study if finches slurred their songs when alcohol was in their systems. 

The birds were given white grape juice spiked with alcohol, which impacted their singing ability, NBC News reports. 

4. Bees on Cocaine

The National Institutes of Health funded over $240,000 to study the impact of cocaine on honey bees at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 

With cocaine in their system, the bees were more likely to dance, the researcher found

5. Shrimp on Treadmills

The National Science Foundation (NSF) funded $1.3 million to make shrimp run on tiny treadmills at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. 

The study tested how sickness impaired shrimp mobility. 

6. $500k Study if Selfies Make you Happy

A University of California, Irvine-based research team received $500,000 in federal funding to study if taking selfies makes people happy. 

The 4-week study found that taking selfies boosted participants’ moods. 

7. Secret Language of French Butchers

The National Endowment for the Humanities funded $30,000 for a study at the University of Connecticut to research “a secret, highly endangered language spoken by Parisian butchers,” the New York Times reports. 

8. Bee Sting Pain

The National Science Foundation funded $1 million to a researcher at Cornell University to rank how much it hurt to be stung by honey bees on different parts of his body, Real Clear Policy reports. 

Spoiler alert, it’s the nostrils, upper lip, and genitals. The researcher endured roughly 200 bee stings. 

9. Sexy Goldfish

The National Science Foundation awarded $3.6 million to a study at Bowdoin College in Maine, where a portion of this funding went to experiments on what makes goldfish feel sexy.

Researchers discovered that when given sex steroids, male goldfish exhibited more social behavior and swam closer to their female counterparts, the Daily Signal reports. 

10. AI Toilets 

The National Cancer Institute funded nearly $7 million to researchers at Stanford University to build an AI toilet, Real Clear Policy reports. 

The toilet is equipped with cameras that scans the user’s waste and unique “analprint.” DOGE is not an official government agency and is expected to conclude its work by July 4, 2026. As of November 2024, the United States national debt is $35.97 trillion.

DOGE chiefs Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy can push Congress to launch a thorough investigation into these questionable expenditures, particularly federally funded research projects that push far-left ideologies.

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