MP Calls For UK Government To Embrace Muslim Culture Of Inbreeding

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mp-calls-uk-government-embrace-muslim-culture-inbreeding

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Third-world immigration has led to some unsettling culture shocks over the last decade for Europeans and the population of the UK.  The rise in violent crime and rape incidents due to migrants is well documented in Europe.  The cultural "sharing" has been running rampant and finally the truth is starting to come out. 

In Germany, statistics show that in 2023 41% of all crime was linked to foreign suspects (migrants), while 75% of all victims were native German citizens.  In 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron admitted that around half of all crime in Paris was committed by foreigners. His claim was backed by data from the police headquarters and the ministerial statistical service for internal security, which showed that 70% of violent robberies and 75% of thefts in Paris in 2022 were committed by foreigners. 

Sweden's massive spike in violent crime runs exactly parallel to their open borders policy and the rise in migrants from the third world.  Over 20% of the nation's population is now made up of foreigners.  Migrant gangs spread across Sweden and in 2022 Primer Minister Magdalena Andersson admitted that "integration had failed"

The list goes on and on.  In the UK, such data is generally suppressed and the government refuses to acknowledge the relationship between increasing migration from certain cultures and the spike in criminal violence.  So much so that British officials are ordering the arrest of anyone who complains about the issue on social media. 

It's not just the rise in crime that's the problem; there's also the imposition of disturbing cultural habits that the western world widely abandoned decades ago.  Inbreeding is just one of these habits - It was made predominantly illegal in the western world once genetic factors were understood, but it might make a comeback as mass immigration changes the demographic landscape.   

UK MP Iqbal Mohamed argued this week that the government needs to stop legislation banning cousin marriages because they are common in Muslim culture and because a ban would be "stigmatizing":

“Instead of stigmatising those in cousin marriages or those inclined to be, a much more positive approach would be to facilitate advanced genetic test screening for prospective married couples, as is the case in all Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, and more generally to run health education programmes targeting those communities where the practice is most common."

“I would therefore urge the House to vote against this motion and find a more positive approach to addressing the issues that are caused by first-cousin marriages, including the health risks and the consequences of modern conflicts and displacement of population around the world.”


The MP did acknowledge that the practice leads to a litany of health problems and recommended a "screening process", but he did not specify what problems are commonly associated with consanguineous marriage.  Inbreeding is a plague within Muslim populations, with some Muslim nations containing genetic anomalies in the majority of their people.  In Pakistan, for example, over 70% of marriages involved genetically related partners (usually between first or second cousins). 

Inbreeding, especially over the course of multiple generations, causes a number of genetic mutations including  the HTR2B Q20 mutation.  This mutation has been linked to loss of impulse control, extreme violence and psychopathy.  In other words, cultures that practice inbreeding as a norm are far more inclined to violent behaviors the west often associates with the worst kinds of criminals.    

Keeping it "in the family" is preferred in Muslin society as a means to maintain generational wealth, but also as a form of suppression for women.  In Sweden the practice is about to be banned due to health concerns, but also due to arranged marriages (forced marriages) and the use of women as bartering property.  UK legislators have been working for years to make cousin marriages illegal, but consistently face opposition.

The UK government is perhaps the most blatant villain today when it comes to the forced multiculturalism agenda.  Their open hostility towards the native western public is becoming legendary.  Their policies require adaptation on the part of native residents rather than integration on the part of migrants.  In other words, the UK argues that it is up to the native public to embrace the ideologies and habits of incoming migrants, and if they don't, they could be accused of bigotry (which can now lead to fines and prison time). 

But isn't it correct to admonish cultural practices that lead to destructive behaviors?  Maybe some cultures are simply wrong.  Maybe some traditions should not be welcomed.  Maybe western culture is in many ways superior, and perhaps it's time for the third world to adapt to western values rather the west taking a step backwards into the dark ages?  Or. maybe the two cultures should stay away from each other?  The multicultural experiment has obviously failed - Why continue pretending like it has inherent value?

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