拜登宣布历史上最大规模的单日特赦法案:赦免 39 人,减刑 1,500 人
Biden Announces Largest One-Day Act Of Clemency In History: Pardons 39, Commutes 1,500 Sentences

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-announces-largest-one-day-act-clemency-history-pardons-39-commutes-1500-sentences

拜登总统赦免了 39 人,并为近 1,500 人减刑,这是历史上规模最大的单日特赦。赦免针对的是非暴力罪犯,特别是那些被判犯有毒品罪的人,而减刑则适用于在大流行期间适应家庭监禁的个人。拜登强调第二次机会的重要性,旨在为这些人提供为社会做出贡献并解决量刑差异的机会。尽管对儿子的赦免受到批评,拜登仍打算在 2025 年离任之前继续审查进一步赦免和减刑的案件。立法者尚未对这些行动做出回应,尽管人们对未来可能进行的调查的预赦免表示担忧。



By Zachary Stieber of Epoch Times

President Joe Biden on Dec. 12 announced he was pardoning 39 people and commuting the sentences of nearly 1,500 others, in the largest single-day act of clemency in history.

The pardons are going to individuals who were convicted of nonviolent crimes such as drug offenses, the White House said. Those who are having their sentences commuted were placed in home confinement during the COVID-19 pandemic and “have successfully reintegrated into their families and communities,” according to the White House.

“America was built on the promise of possibility and second chances,” Biden said in a statement. “As President, I have the great privilege of extending mercy to people who have demonstrated remorse and rehabilitation, restoring opportunity for Americans to participate in daily life and contribute to their communities, and taking steps to remove sentencing disparities for non-violent offenders, especially those convicted of drug offenses.”

Officials did not release the names of any of the individuals being granted relief.

They said the people include a nurse who helped spearhead COVID-19 vaccination efforts, an addiction counselor who volunteers to help young people, and a military veteran who assists frail, fellow church members.

Biden made the move after pardoning his son, Hunter Biden, who was convicted of illegal possession of a firearm and pleaded guilty to intentionally not paying taxes.

Biden is set to leave office on Jan. 20, 2025, after he bowed out of his bid for reelection. President-elect Donald Trump beat Vice President Kamala Harris in the November race.

At this point in his presidency, Biden has already commuted more sentences than his recent predecessors, including Trump. He has also issued categorical pardons to people convicted of using or possessing marijuana, and former military members convicted of consensual sodomy.

The White House said that before Biden leaves office he “will take additional steps to provide meaningful second chances and continue to review additional pardons and commutations.” The White House added that “there is more to come.”

Lawmakers had not yet reacted to the new pardons and commutations by the time of publication.

Biden has received criticism for pardoning his son, especially because jurors cast a verdict in one of the cases.

The White House has defended the move, which took place after the president and the White House said a pardon for Hunter Biden would not happen.


Biden has also been reportedly considering pre-pardons for certain individuals whom a second Trump administration may investigate. Former President Bill Clinton said this week that he hoped Biden does not issue pre-pardons.

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