Biden Admin Scrambling To Auction Off Border-Wall Sections Before Trump Takes Office

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-admin-scrambling-auction-trump-wall-sections-trump-takes-office

据报道,拜登政府正在拍卖特朗普边境墙未使用的部分,以期特朗普重返办公室。这些部件正从主要边境地区被运至亚利桑那州的一个拍卖场。目的是破坏特朗普恢复建设的计划。这些材料通过在线拍卖出售,起拍价低至 5 美元。特朗普的支持者和边境安全倡导者对此举表示愤怒,指责拜登政府进行破坏。拜登政府拒绝对此事发表评论,将询问转交给各个机构,但没有提供明确的答案。



With Donald Trump set to retake office in January, the Biden administration is scrambling to auction off unused sections of Trump's border wall, the Daily Wire reports. According to an anonymous US Customs and Border Patrol agent, wall sections are being removed from key areas such as Tucson, Arizona - a notorious hotspot for illegal border crossings.

According to the agent, the operation involves removing up to half a mile of wall per day, with materials being transported from Nogales, Tucson, and Three Points. The aim? To clear the border of these materials before Christmas, disrupting Trump’s plans to resume construction.

"They are taking it from three stations: Nogales, Tucson, and Three Points," said the agent. "The goal is to move all of it off the border before Christmas."

Trump made clear during his campaign that he intends to finish construction of the border wall, making use of the materials that have remained untouched at the border since President Joe Biden took office in 2021. If the material brought to the border during his first term is sold off, it will significantly delay any progress on one of Trump’s flagship campaign promises at the border. -Daily Wire

The materials are reportedly being carted north on Interstate 19 to Pinal Airpark in Marana, Arizona, where they're auctioned off by GovPlanet, a surplus government equipment auctioneer. Video evidence from the site shows piles of these steel bollard wall sections, listed online for as low as $5.00 starting bids in upcoming auctions.

The auction website shows that sales occurred as recently as December 4 for precisely the types of materials being pulled off the border. GovPlanet has online auctions set for Dec. 11 and Dec. 18 for more of the border wall material, which is listed on the company’s website as “32.91’ X 7.91’ Steel Bollard Wall Sections w/Grout.”

"They just started taking all the wall that was not used, which is still totally good and usable, and they started taking it northbound," the agent said, adding "They're pulling it all off the border."

The owner of the trucking company, Harold Lambeth, confirmed to the Wire that his company is hauling the unused border wall sections north, away from the construction sites.

The move has sparked outrage among Trump supporters and border security advocates. Representative Eli Crane (R-AZ), whose district includes Pinal Airpark, accused the Biden administration of intentionally hamstringing Trump's efforts to secure the border, calling it "a direct affront to the will of the people."

Segment of border wall up for sale in Arizona by GovPlanet

"The Biden Administration is well aware they shouldn’t have reversed the construction of the border wall. If it’s true, they’re purposefully hamstringing an incoming president, it wouldn’t be shocking," Crane told the outlet. "Why would they want to see President Trump succeed with policies they aggressively sabotaged?"

According to the anonymous agent, "When Trump comes back, and he wants to start the border wall all over again, the whole entire funding fight is gonna happen again," adding "That’s their play. He’s gonna have to fight for this — again."

The Biden administration, meanwhile, sent the Wire on a wild goose chase for the facts.

The Customs and Border Protection Agency referred The Daily Wire to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, saying the latter had jurisdiction over the materials until they are erected. From there, The Daily Wire was referred to the Defense Logistics Agency, where an official said the standing policy is to refer all media requests on this to the public affairs team at the Office of the Secretary of Defense. A member of the public affairs team declined to respond to inquiries. -Daily Wire

We assume Mayorkas and the rest of the bad actors behind the last four years of US border policy will be pardoned before Jan. 20.

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