Russia, Germany, Turkey Condemn Israeli Land Grab In Syria

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-germany-turkey-condemn-israeli-land-grab-syria

以色列计划扩大戈兰高地的定居人口,戈兰高地是以色列于 1967 年从叙利亚手中夺取并于 1981 年吞并的。以色列总理内塔尼亚胡表示,尽管国际社会谴责,以色列将“继续占领该地”。德国、约旦和沙特阿拉伯等多个国家谴责以色列的决定,称其违反国际法。俄罗斯强烈警告以色列不要扩大对叙利亚领土的控制,而土耳其也批评了此举。尽管土耳其占领了叙利亚北部,但它谴责以色列的行为。以色列吞并戈兰高地具有重大的地缘政治影响,因为它加强了以色列在该地区的地位,并使其坦克更接近大马士革。



"Strengthening the Golan is strengthening the State of Israel, and it is especially important at this time. We will continue to hold onto it, cause it to blossom and settle in it," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday, confirming reports that Israel will expand its settler population there.

Netanyahu has now declare the Golan to belong to Israel 'forever' in the wake of the fall of the Assad, and Israel is expected to double the amount of settlers living there. "Multiple Middle Eastern nations and Israel’s ally Germany on Monday denounced Israel’s decision to double the Israeli settler population in the illegally occupied Syrian territory," Al Jazeera writes.


At this point Israeli tanks are positioned a mere couple dozen miles from the capital of Damascus, and Israel has established a forward base on the Syrian side of Mt. Hermon.

Russia has been among those countries strongly warning Israel not to expand its hold on Syrian territory. The Golan was first taken by Israel in 1967 and it was annexed in 1981.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov on Monday issued the following strong words telling Israel to stop exploiting the situation:

"I would like to warn certain ‘hotheads’ in West Jerusalem against being intoxicated by opportunities,” Ryabkov said, stressing that “the annexation of the Golan Heights, which many are talking about now, is absolutely unacceptable.” 

Turkey too has said something similar. "This decision is a new stage in Israel’s goal of expanding its borders through occupation. This step by Israel is a source of grave concern, taken together with Israel’s entry into the area of separation, in violation of the 1974 disengagement agreement, its advance into adjacent areas and airstrikes in Syria," its foreign ministry said.

Al Jazeera further notes the following countries' statements:

  • Qatar rebuked the scheme as a “new episode in a series of Israeli aggressions on Syrian territories”.
  • Jordan called it a “blatant violation of international law”.
  • Turkiye denounced the move as a bid by Israel to “expand its borders”.
  • Saudi Arabia slammed “continued sabotage of Syria’s chances of restoring its security and stability”.
  • Egypt condemned the plans as “a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”.

Despite many acknowledging that Turkish intelligence was behind the rapid Hayat Tahrir al-Sham takeover of the country, Israel has by and large been a big 'winner' on a geostrategic level from Assad's ousting. 

But it's ironic and hypocritical that Turkey would do any condemning of annexing Syrian land here... given Turkey has long occupied northern Syria, and its troops have now moved into the environs of Aleppo while supporting its proxies there.

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