混乱之年:令人震惊的杂志封面是否揭示了全球精英 2025 年的计划
A Year Of Chaos: Does A Shocking Magazine Cover Reveal What The Global Elite Have Planned For 2025

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/year-chaos-does-shocking-magazine-cover-reveal-what-global-elite-have-planned-2025

根据《经济学人》杂志 2025 年预览期封面,即将到来的一年前景不妙。封面以红色突出显示唐纳德·特朗普,象征着他的持续影响力。 与核战争相关的符号的图像,包括导弹和蘑菇云,引起了人们对潜在核冲突的担忧。此外,注射器中盛有红色液体表明瘟疫即将来临。 此外,封面上还显示了多个美元符号和箭头,表明预期的经济和金融动荡。其他奇怪的图像,如土星、全视之眼和沙漏,表明精英们相信 2025 年将是混乱的一年。 该杂志认为,即将到来的混乱可能为精英阶层提供一个在崩溃的体系中重新获得控制权的机会。本封面预示着未来的动荡一年,潜在的核威胁、瘟疫和经济动荡。



Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog,

Are we heading into a year that will be characterized by great turmoil?  Every year, a magazine known as “the Economist” publishes an issue that is dedicated to what is coming in the year ahead.  In the past, many of these issues have turned out to be eerily accurate.  For example, the cover of last year’s issue featured images of Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin with very large missiles standing next to each of them.  Of course this ended up being one of the biggest news stories of 2024.  Ukraine started firing long-range missiles provided by NATO deep into Russian territory, and the Russians responded with long-range missiles of their own.  Unfortunately, it appears that the cover for this year’s issue could be previewing some very alarming events that are coming in 2025.

The Economist has been one of the most important mouthpieces for the western elite for decades.  It has offices all over the globe, but it is based in the city of London

Based in London, the newspaper is owned by the Economist Group, with its core editorial offices in the United States, as well as across major cities in continental Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.

The ownership list of the magazine includes prominent families such as Rothschild, Cadbury, Agnelli, Schroder and Layton

Aside from the Agnelli family, smaller shareholders in the company include Cadbury, Rothschild (21%), Schroder, Layton and other family interests as well as a number of staff and former staff shareholders.

Ordinary people don’t read the magazine much.

It is truly a magazine by the elite and for the elite, and so it provides a tremendous amount of insight into what the elite are thinking.  Below, you can see what the cover for their 2025 preview issue looks like…

The first thing that stands out is how dark and ominous this cover is.

Are they expecting 2025 to be a dark and ominous year?

A black and white image of Donald Trump outlined in red is right in the center of the cover.

Obviously they expect him to be the center of attention.

Interestingly, a raised red fist that is outlined in red can be seen near the bottom of the cover.  Needless to say, a raised fist is often used as a symbol of “resistance” to Trump.

There are several other world leaders on the cover as well.  Just like in 2024, Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin are featured, and this year Chinese President Xi Jinping also appears.

It is already clear that the conflict in Ukraine will continue to be a major theme in 2025.  Are the elite expecting war with China to break out too?

Right next to Trump, you can see a very tall white missile, and right beneath Trump there is something that looks like a mushroom cloud.

In addition, there are a couple of other symbols on the cover that are related to nuclear war.

This sort of imagery should deeply alarm all of us.

Are they trying to warn us that we are getting dangerously close to nuclear war?

Or could it be possible that they are suggesting that nuclear weapons could actually be used in combat at some point in 2025?

2024 was certainly a year of war, and I fully expect things to go to an entirely new level in 2025.

But let us hope that nuclear weapons are not used any time soon.

Switching gears, directly next to the very tall white missile is an image of a syringe that is more than half-filled with red liquid.

That can’t be related to the previous pandemic, because the previous pandemic has been behind us for quite some time.

So what are they trying to communicate with this image?

Are they suggesting that the world could soon be facing another major pestilence?

Red is a color that is often associated with death.

So the fact that the liquid inside the syringe is red is more than just a little bit creepy.

As I have detailed in previous articles, at this moment global health authorities are dealing with an outbreak of a mystery illness that is being referred to as “Disease X” in Africa, a new strain of the monkeypox that has started to pop up all over the world, an eruption of the Marburg virus in Rwanda, and a bird flu crisis that never seems to end and that has now jumped into humans.

I am convinced that pestilence will be a major theme in 2025, and apparently the Economist does too.

On the cover of the magazine, we also see a dollar sign appear twice, and there are numerous arrows that are pointing both up and down.

Are they anticipating that there will be economic and financial turmoil during the year ahead?

Of course economic problems have already begun in the U.S., in Europe, and in China.  The global economy is rapidly heading in the wrong direction, and many are warning that 2025 is going to be a very hard year.

That is really bad news for those that are on the bottom levels of the economic food chain.  Here in the United States, demand at food banks is already at all-time record highs.  So what will things look like if a full-blown global economic crisis suddenly erupts in 2025?

There are other images on this cover that also seem rather odd.  There is an image of Saturn, there is an image of an all-seeing eye, and there is an image of an hourglass.

An hourglass is often used to depict the fact that time is running out.

And I certainly agree with that.

The truth is that we have been living on borrowed time for quite a while.

The elite love to create order out of chaos, and based on this magazine cover they certainly seem to believe that 2025 will be a year of chaos.

Perhaps the elite hope that the chaos that is approaching will represent an opportunity for them to regain some of the control that they have lost in recent years.

I think that they are starting to understand that the system that they have worked so carefully to construct is beginning to crumble, and now they are desperate to regain the upper hand any way that they can.

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Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

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