Palisades Fire Threatens New Upscale Communities As Santa Ana Winds Return

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/weather/palisades-fire-threatens-new-upscale-communities-santa-ana-winds-return

洛杉矶消防局继续与四场重大野火作斗争,这些野火已烧毁超过 38,000 英亩的土地并摧毁了 10,000 座建筑物。帕利塞兹火灾对多个社区构成严重威胁。 预期的圣安娜风加剧了人们对火势蔓延的担忧。由于极端火灾天气条件,国家气象局发布了红旗警告。 包括当选总统特朗普和埃隆·马斯克在内的政界人士批评了火灾的处理方式,称其无能且未能做好准备。马斯克表示,对社会正义和公平的关注可能导致决策无效。 民主党参议员埃德·马基将火灾归咎于气候变化,而马斯克则坚称人为的气候变化是一场闹剧,无能才是根本原因。 局势依然严峻,超过 35,000 人仍然断电,并且对重要水资源为何没有得到充分填充的重大调查仍在进行中。


The Los Angeles Fire Department continued battling four major blazes that have burned over 38,000 acres and destroyed over 10,000 structures. Another round of Santa Ana winds is expected from Monday through Wednesday, elevating fears that the fires will continue to spread. The Palisades Fire has placed Brentwood, Encino, Bel Air, Sherman Oaks, and West Los Angeles at severe risk. Additionally, Malibu has lost a third of its eastern edge to the Palisades Fire.

Here's the latest size and containment of the four major fires:

  • Palisades Fire: 23,654 acres burned, 11% contained
  • Eaton Fire: 14,117 acres burned, 15% contained
  • Kenneth Fire: 1,052 acres burned, 90% contained
  • Hurst Fire: 799 acres burned, 76% contained

Fire Map (courtesy of LA Times):  

On Saturday, the Palisades Fire threatened the communities of Brentwood, Encino, Bel Air, Sherman Oaks, and West Los Angeles as the inferno continued to spread. Very tense moments unfolded as the LAFD battled out-of-control flames that almost crossed the 405 freeway into parts of Bel Air.

Today will be another challenging day for LAFD personnel. Strong Santa Ana winds are expected to return to Los Angeles and Ventura counties later this evening through the first half of the new week. 

The National Weather Service issued a red flag warning for the area, with wind gusts expected between 50 and 75 mph.

"The very dry vegetation combined with the prolonged extreme fire weather conditions will support rapid spread and erratic behavior of any new or existing fires," NWS wrote in the warning.

The latest headlines from NBC Los Angeles:

  • Almost 35,000 still without power in LA County

  • Firefighters fend off Palisades Fire's threat to Mandeville Canyon, Encino

  • Malibu has lost about 1/3 of its eastern edge, mayor says

  • 2 arrested for curfew violations near Brentwood home of Vice President Harris

  • Death toll in Southern California wildfires climbs to 16

Latest Zero Hedge headlines:

Early Sunday morning, on Truth Social, President-elect Trump criticized woke Californian politicians, calling them "incompetent" and claiming they "have no idea how to put" the fires out. 

"Thousands of magnificent houses are gone, and many more will soon be lost. There is death all over the place. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the history of our Country. They just can't put out the fires. What's wrong with them?" Trump said. 

Days ago, Elon Musk wrote on X the massive loss of mansions across LA has primarily been a failure of California Gov. Gavin Newsom and LA Mayor Karen Bass...

Newsom, a far-left radical, was Community Noted on X. 

Meanwhile, Mayor Bass is a Marxist. 

And the people in power in LA are far-left social justice warriors who made important decisions about governing through an "equity lens." 

"What attracted me most to the role was social equity. It's important for me that everything we do is with an equity lens and social justice and writing the wrongs that we've done in the past," Janisse Quiñones, the head of the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, recently stated on a local radio station. 

There will be a major investigation into why the massive reservoir in Pacific Palisades was not filled, knowing about dry conditions, high winds, and elevated fire risk. Plus, Mayor Bass slashed the budget for the LAFD. 

Meanwhile, Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass, used the typical Democratic Party playbook to deflect from the incompetence (DEI = DIE) of California politicians, using talking points that described California wildfires as "what a climate emergency looks like."

Markey should be called "Malarkey Markey"... 

About man-made climate change.

"Incompetence in the limit is indistinguishable from sabotage," Musk wrote on X on Saturday. 

This time, Democrats won't be able to hide behind climate change farce. Real accountability is coming. People died, thousands lost everything, and even liberals in LA are turning on their far-left politicians who were never actual real competent managers, to begin with, just social justice warriors with 'equity' Marxism pom-poms. Remember, Marxists hate capitalism. 

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