财政部长耶伦的电脑以及其他 400 个被中国黑客攻击的系统
Treasury Secretary Yellen's Computer Among 400 Other Systems Hacked By China

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/treasury-secretary-yellens-computer-among-400-other-treasury-department-systems-hacked

美国财政部遭遇了来自中国的网络攻击。据报道,黑客通过承包商的网络获得了访问权限,并针对 400 多台计算机进行了攻击,其中包括财政部长珍妮特·耶伦 (Janet Yellen) 和其他高级官员的计算机。机密和电子邮件系统仍然安全,但敏感的政策文件、旅行记录和执法数据被访问。该漏洞已被及时发现并报告,财政部正在与联邦机构合作寻求援助。损害评估正在进行中,财政部正在考虑受损承包商的替代方案。尽管中国否认参与其中,但报告表明,是国家支持的黑客所为。


In one last masterstroke of incompetence on her way out the door, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has had her computer hacked by China. We don't really care about the integrity of the U.S. economy, we just hope to God there's no nudes to leak.

Chinese hackers who breached the Treasury Department were focused on "sanctions, international affairs and intelligence", according to a new report from Bloomberg that detailed the breach. 

The breach reached "more than 400 laptop and desktop computers", the report says. 

Hackers accessed employee credentials and over 3,000 files from unclassified personal computers, including policy documents, travel records, organizational charts, and sensitive law enforcement data, the report revealed. While they likely stole some material, classified and email systems were not breached.

The Bloomberg report said the hackers also accessed files related to investigations by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S., which assesses national security risks of certain real estate and foreign investments.

A report to Congress reveals that Chinese state-sponsored hackers, identified as Silk Typhoon or UNC5221, breached the Treasury Department through a contractor's network, prioritizing document theft and operating stealthily.

Yellen, probably thinking about debt

While no malware or long-term intelligence gathering was detected, sensitive systems remained uncompromised. Treasury reported the breach promptly and sought assistance from federal agencies. Treasury and FBI representatives declined to comment.

China has denied allegations of state-sponsored cyberattacks, dismissing claims of involvement in the Treasury hack as “groundless.”

Hackers accessed 419 computers between late September and mid-November, targeting offices dealing with foreign assets, international affairs, and intelligence, as well as senior officials and personal financial records.

A damage assessment is ongoing, and Treasury staff are set to brief the Senate Banking Committee. Treasury disconnected BeyondTrust, the compromised contractor, and is considering alternatives, though no immediate failures have been identified.

Reuters reported the hackers even breached U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen's computer and computers of two of Yellen's lieutenants, Deputy Secretary Wally Adeyemo and Acting Under Secretary Brad Smith. 

"The hackers accessed fewer than 50 files on Yellen's machine," Reuters concluded. 

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