Nearly Half Of Federal Employees Say They Plan To Resist Trump's Incoming Administration; New Poll

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/nearly-half-federal-employees-say-they-plan-resist-trumps-incoming-administration-new

一项调查发现,联邦管理人员对特朗普的抵制程度很高,42% 的人积极反对他的政府。共和党经理强烈支持特朗普(89%),而民主党经理则强烈抵制(73%)。解雇不服从命令的联邦雇员已经变得很困难,但特朗普减少浪费的誓言可能会让他们承担责任。民意调查还显示,1% 的精英和美国普通民众在经济和移民问题上保持一致,而联邦管理者则优先考虑枪支、平等和气候变化。


Via American Greatness,

A poll conducted by RMG Research reveals a startling number of federal government managers who say they will actively oppose the incoming administration when Donald Trump is inaugurated on January 20.

The Daily Signal reports that RMG Research polled three separate segments of the population including what it calls the “Elite 1%”  with postgraduate degrees, earning more than $150,000 annually and live in highly populated areas, “Main Street Americans” who represent roughly 75% of the U.S. population and, finally, federal managers who live near the nation’s Capital city and earn $75,000 or more annually.

When asked if they would most likely be supporting or resisting the Trump administration over the next four years, government managers were almost evenly split with 44% saying they would support the administration and 42% saying they would resist.

But the divide between those federal managers who would resist and those who would support the incoming Trump administration grew much sharper when respondents were questioned along party lines.

89% of Republican federal employees said they would either “somewhat support” or “strongly support” the administration, while 73% of Democrat bureaucrats surveyed said they would either “somewhat resist” or “strongly resist.”

Removing bad or insubordinate employees from federal service has become more difficult over the years with truly bad employees typically being promoted or transferred to less visible positions while retaining their employment.

Given the incoming Trump administration’s stated goal of finding and cutting out wasteful and abusive use of taxpayer dollars, there may be a price to be paid by those employees who draw too much attention to their resistance after taking an oath of service.

The survey also revealed that the so-called Elite 1% and Main Street Americans showed considerable alignment on issues like the economy and immigration.

Federal government managers who were polled placed a higher priority on guns and crime, equality and climate change - issues that registered far lower importance among most other Americans.

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