Pentagon Reportedly Deploying 1,500 Active Duty Troops To US-Mexico Border

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/pentagon-reportedly-deploying-1500-active-duty-troops-us-mexico-border

特朗普总统已开始实施重大移民措施。行政命令停止非法入境并开始大规模驱逐无证移民。五角大楼计划向南部边境部署 1,500 名现役军人,这一数字可能会增加到 7,000 人。这些部队将协助后勤和屏障建设。如有必要,特朗普可能会援引《叛乱法》,允许军队协助执法。这些措施旨在确保边境安全并减少民主党推动的非法外国人入侵。尽管担心驱逐费用高昂,但特朗普认为国家安全至关重要。民主党人反对这些行动,而美国人民必须追究那些通过便利移民破坏边境安全的人的责任。


President Donald Trump's extraordinary move to restore national security began on Monday with a series of executive orders on immigration. By Tuesday, Border Czar Tom Homan confirmed that large-scale raids targeting criminal illegal aliens were underway. Now, the Pentagon is reportedly preparing to deploy more than a thousand active-duty troops to secure the southern border in the coming days, following four years of a wide-open border facilitated by globalist Democrats in the Biden-Harris regime.

AP News, in typical fashion, citing anonymous US officials, reported that Acting Defense Secretary Robert Salesses is preparing to sign a deployment order for 1,5000 active-duty troops. These troops would support border agents by assisting with logistics, transportation, and the construction of barriers. 

"Troops are prohibited by law from doing law enforcement duties, but that may change," AP's Pentagon reporter Tara Copp noted. 

However, she said, "Trump has directed through executive order that the incoming secretary of defense and incoming homeland security chief report back within 90 days if they think an 1807 law called the Insurrection Act should be invoked. That would allow those troops to be used in civilian law enforcement on US soil." 

Active duty forces could begin deployment to the southern border by the end of the week. There are currently no active-duty troops there. The latest figures show about 2,500 National Guard and Reserve members are positioned along the southern border. 

On Monday, Trump told the American people during his inaugural address, "I will declare a national emergency at our southern border. All illegal entry will immediately be halted, and we will begin the process of returning millions and millions of criminal aliens back to the places in which they came."

The move to secure the border and protect the American people from the illegal alien invasion facilitated by open-border globalist Democrats has been widely expected. 

Here's a recap of Trump's executive orders on immigration (courtesy of NBC News):

  • End birthright citizenship for future children born to mothers who are in the United States unlawfully or temporarily unless the child's father is here legally and permanently

  • Direct federal agencies to identify countries that do not provide sufficient information on their nationals and to bar those nationals from entry to the US.

  • Send the military to the border by declaring a national emergency

  • Halt all refugee admissions into the United States until policy "aligns" with US interests

  • Designate cartels and migrant gangs MS-13 and Tren de Aragua as foreign terrorist organizations

  • Restrict federal funds from sanctuary cities and potentially take legal action against them

  • Require immigrants unlawfully in the United States to register and be fingerprinted

  • End the CBP One program and the parole program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans

  • Deny public benefits to unauthorized immigrants

  • Reinstate the "Remain in Mexico" policy

During Trump's first term, more than 7,000 active-duty troops were stationed across the border in Texas, Arizona, and California. If the AP story is correct about the first tranche of 1,500 troops preparing for deployment, then there is the possibility that those numbers will be ramped up in the coming weeks, if not months.  

The American people gave Trump a mandate: Restore national security. 

Far-left Democrats are losing their minds on Trump's massive immigration shift. With leftists corporate media primarily fixated on huge deportation costs.

So we ask these pro-open border folks: What price do you put on national security?

This illegal alien invasion had consequences: American lives were lost.

Once the southern and northern borders are secured, the American people must hold accountable the politicians, non-profits, federal agencies, staffing companies, corporations, and others involved in facilitating the migration invasion that has undermined national security. The most effective way to ensure accountability is at the ballot box in the next election cycle. 

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