洛杉矶北部发生新的大规模火灾,并沿 I-5 州际公路迅速蔓延
Massive New Fire Explodes North Of LA, Spreading Rapidly Along I-5

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/massive-new-fire-explodes-north-la-spreading-rapidly-along-i-5

休斯大火是洛杉矶北部一场迅速蔓延的野火,威胁着主要交通干道 5 号州际公路。超过 5,000 英亩的土地被烧毁,导致卡斯泰克湖周围的人员疏散。疏散区 I-5 州际公路的所有车道均已关闭,中断了加州北部和南部之间的重要联系。加州消防局警告称,生命将受到直接威胁,并且有人猜测可能存在纵火事件。火灾发生在太平洋帕利塞兹附近,那里最近发生了一场毁灭性的火灾。洛杉矶县正在部署飞机扑灭大火,但强风正在助长火势蔓延。红旗警告已生效,表明整个洛杉矶和文图拉县有大风和火灾风险增加。


A massive new fire is spreading rapidly north of Los Angeles, threatening Interstate 5, one of California’s main transportation arteries.

The Hughes Fire started just before 11 a.m. local time and quickly spread to more than 5,000 acres, spurring evacuation orders around Castaic Lake in northern Los Angeles County.

All lane of the I-5 highway are now closed just north of SR-126 in the evacuation area and the critical link between northern and southern California is affected by heavy smoke.

Cal Fire said there was “an immediate threat to life”, with many already speculating that the latest fire was not spontaneous but is the product of arson The reservoir is about 45 miles from Pacific Palisades, where a devastating fire killed 11 people, destroyed more than 6,380 structures and damaged another 867 since it ignited about two weeks ago.

In a post on X, Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger said the county’s fire department is “deploying our aerial fleet to knock this out as quickly as possible.”

They will have their cut out for them: according to the National Weather Service, winds are gusting to 37 miles per hour just to the north of the fire. A red flag warning issued from the National Weather Service said wind gusts of 35 to 50 mph will be common over much of Los Angeles and Ventura counties, ensuring a rapid spread.

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