Why Can't The Left Understand Restrictions On Immigration?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/why-cant-left-understand-restrictions-immigration

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)取消了拜登时代的计划,该计划允许移民使用移动应用程序在官方入境港口申请庇护,这是他控制移民的努力的一部分。该计划CBP ONE被批评为实现非法移民,因为大多数使用它的人都不符合其传统目的所定义的庇护资格。媒体和民主党人谴责了这一举动,将其描绘成残酷和无情的举动,而特朗普则认为美国没有义务接受无限的非熟练移民,必须保护其边界。据信,民主党和媒体未能理解这一基本原则的原因被认为是特朗普总统任期的贡献。


Authored by Alex Berenson via 'Unreported Truths' substack,

Donald J. Trump is keeping his word on immigration.

And Democrats, the media, and the woke left (yes, I repeat myself) are losing their collective minds.

On Monday, as one of several moves to restore order to America’s southern, northern, eastern, and western borders, Trump canceled a Biden Administration program that had allowed over 500,000 migrants a year to use a mobile application to set up (largely fictitious) claims for asylum at official ports of entry.

To be clear: Biden wasn’t trying to control the flood of migrants with the CBP One (TM) App. He just wanted to pretend the Mexican border was (slightly) under control by letting people enter the United States without giving themselves up in encounters along it that journalists might see and report.

Also to be clear, almost none of these people qualify for asylum in the traditional sense - that is, that they fear imprisonment or worse in their home countries because of their ethnicity or religion. Genocide is rare on the ground these days, fortunately.

The migrants calling themselves asylum-seekers want out because they’re poor and their countries are badly run. They think life will be better in the United States.

Those are the same reasons people have always wanted to come. They have nothing to do with the purpose of asylum. Put another way, the current crop of asylum seekers are to - say - the Rwandan Tutsis who faced genocide in 1994 as the mRNA “vaccines” are to real vaccines.

As J.D. Vance wrote on X last week of the CBP One: “They made an application to facilitate illegal immigration. It boggles the mind.”

(I’m not sure this is the MOST underreported scandal - there’s a lot of competition, but it’s definitely top 5. Maybe top 10.)

(CBP One, by the way, is separate from the Biden “humanitarian parole” program that allowed up to 30,000 people from Nicaragua, Cuba, Venezuela, and Haiti each month, another tack Biden used to allow a flood of migrants that the media and fact-checkers could then claim were not illegal. Because a made-up program, you savvy?)

Yet over the last few days, the elite media has insisted on pretending that the Trump Administration is sending migrants into the fires of Mount Doom by shutting the app. As if end of CBP One violates some sacred contract between the United States and a billion poor people globally: if you can scrape up a few hundred bucks, come on in.

Sorry. Nope.

(That’s the idea)

On Monday, the Times offered the sad story of one asylum-seeker who’d been looking forward to free healthcare for her family courtesy of California seeking refuge from unthinkable genocidal political violence:

“I am in shock,” said Maura Hernandez, who received the news on Monday morning as she arrived in Tijuana with her four small children… she had a scheduled appointment on Tuesday.

(The father, or fathers, of the Hernandez babies were not mentioned.)

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be cruel here, but there is no other way to say this: Maura Hernandez and her four small children are not my problem, not your problem, not America’s problem.

The United States can choose to let in unskilled migrants, in numbers and at times it deems manageable. But it has no obligation to do so, and it certainly has no obligation to allow millions of them to make a mockery of its borders and laws every year.

The failure of Democrats and the media to understand this basic fact is almost surely the number-one reason that Donald Trump is president today.

What will it take for them to learn?

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