边境记者以前“从未见过任何东西” ...
Border Reporter Has "Never Seen Anything" Like This Before...

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/border-reporter-has-never-seen-anything

福克斯新闻记者比尔·梅卢金(Bill Melugin)报告说,自特朗普总统一周前就职以来,非法过境点的下降显着下降。边境巡逻队在周一仅记录了582个过境点,大大低于2023年12月每天11,000多的峰值。特朗普已经采取了措施,例如执行法律,部署部队并结束了“ CBP One”应用程序,以供移民释放,并为数量低。这些行动证明了边境执法在阻止非法移民方面的有效性。


Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

Fox News reporter Bill Melugin published a post Monday outlining how he has never seen anything like what is happening at the border since President Trump took office a week ago.

“Per sources, Border Patrol recorded just 582 illegal crossings at the southern border yesterday, with not a single one of the nine sectors hitting 200. I’ve never seen anything this low in all of my border coverage,” Melugin urged.

He continued, “The numbers were already flat/low in Biden’s final week, bouncing between 1,200-1,400 illegal crossings daily, but the numbers have been falling off a cliff since Trump took office.”

Melugin further breaks the numbers down, noting “To put this into perspective, at the height of the border crisis in December 2023, Border Patrol hit a record high 11,000+ illegal crossings across the border in a single day, with the Del Rio sector alone getting 4,000+”

“I’m told there were 582 illegal crossings across the southern border yesterday, with only 60 happening in the Del Rio sector,” Melugin revealed.

“And there are no longer 1,500+ migrants being released at ports of entry via the CBP One cell phone app every single day, as Trump immediately terminated the program,” he added.

“It’s still very early – we’ll see if these incredibly low numbers hold, especially heading into spring,” Melugin concluded.

Would you believe it, it turns out that enforcing the law at the border actually works!

As we highlighted, Trump is deploying active duty troops to the border to assist Border Patrol.

He has also mulled reassigning IRS agents to the border to assist with security.

The encounters figures are unprecedented:

How is it that the previous administration couldn’t do any of what Trump is doing?

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