美国律师将马斯克团队作为有线Doxxes Doge员工
US Attorney Protects Musk Team As WIRED Doxxes DOGE Employees

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/us-attorney-threatens-legal-action-wired-doxxes-doge-employees

《有线》杂志发布了为埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)政府效率部(DOGE)工作的六名年轻员工的名字。启示引发了愤怒,促使美国检察官公开支持Doge和Vow,以保护其员工。在给马斯克的一封信中,律师对潜在威胁表示关注,并承诺针对阻碍了多奇工作或吓to夫人的任何人采取法律行动。尽管批评和呼吁问责制,但马斯克还是得到了一些政客的支持,其中包括马可·卢比奥(Marco Rubio),后者在国务院巩固了美国国际开发署。


On Monday, WIRED magazine took it upon themselves to doxx several employees working for Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

"If you’ve been wondering what Elon Musk and his lackeys are up to since taking control of the US government, look no further," the magazine posted to X. "Our latest story names six 19- to 24-year-olds working with his DOGE organization, which now has access to sensitive federal systems."

In the last week, DOGE has kicked two hornets' nests:

Needless to say, the usual suspects are freaking out...

And so, in a Monday letter to Musk, US Attorney Edward Martin has vowed to protect DOGE employees, and pursue "any and all legal action against anyone who impedes your work or threatens your people."

"I recognize that some of the staff at DOGE has been targeted publicly," Martin wrote. "At this time, I ask that you utilize me and my staff to assist in protecting DOGE work and the DOGE workers. Any threats, confrontations, or other actions in any way that impact their work may break numerous laws."

"Let me assure you of this: we will pursue any and all legal action against anyone who impedes your work or threatens your people," the letter continues. "We will not act like the previous administration who looked the other way as the Antifa and BLM rioters as well as thugs with guns trashed our capital city. We will protect DOGE and other workers no matter what."

Assholes like this guy (Gary B @GplusB) on X...

And these guys...

And now, USAID has been rolled into the State Department under Marco Rubio, as bad actors like WIRED attempt to have DOGE employees targeted.


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