Auto Stocks On Watch After Report That EU Considering Reducing Tariffs On U.S. Imports

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/auto-stocks-jump-after-report-eu-considering-reducing-tariffs-us-imports

在贸易战争的问题中,欧盟正在考虑将其汽车进口关税从10%降低到2.5%,与美国税率相匹配。此举旨在防止与唐纳德·特朗普发生冲突。作为交换,欧盟将购买更多的美国液化天然气和军事设备。 主要汽车制造商支持该计划,因为欧盟的车辆向美国出口远远超出了进口。如果谈判失败,欧盟可能会以其新的反润滑工具进行报复,以美国科技巨头的目标进行报复。欧盟官员认为,由于电动汽车现有关税,中国不会从降低关税中受益。欧盟的经济力量在捍卫对美国的利益方面具有优势。


Auto stocks jumped mid day on Friday after the Financial Times reported that the EU is prepared to reduce its 10% tariff on US car imports to align more closely with the USA’s 2.5% rate in a bid to prevent a trade war with Donald Trump.

Names like Ford and GM both saw a bump during afternoon trading, and before paring gains slightly heading into the last few hours of trading for the week. 

FT cited Bernd Lange, chair of the European Parliament’s trade committee. As part of the deal, the EU would also increase purchases of American liquefied natural gas and military equipment.

The move aims to ease tensions over the EU’s trade surplus with the US, a frequent target of Trump.

During Trump’s first term, Brussels lowered tariffs on lobsters and boosted imports of US LNG and soybeans, which helped contain disputes largely to steel and aluminum.

The FT report says that while the tariff reduction would apply to all WTO members, including China, EU officials believe Chinese imports won’t spike due to existing tariffs of up to 35% on Beijing-subsidized electric vehicles.

Major automakers like BMW and Mercedes support the plan, and Germany is not expected to oppose it.

In 2022, the EU exported 738,436 vehicles to the US, importing only 271,476 vehicles in return.

Lange warned that if negotiations falter, the EU could retaliate with its new anti-coercion instrument (ACI), designed to counter economic pressure tactics. 

“Sometimes it’s important to have a gun on the table,” he is quoted as saying. 

The ACI could target US tech giants like Meta, Google, and X through measures such as suspending IP rights and imposing digital service duties. Deploying the ACI would take about six months, but Lange noted the EU’s economic clout exceeds that of previous US trade targets like Canada and Mexico, positioning it to defend its interests effectively.

The development is the latest in a decisive series of changes President Trump has implemented or affected, including further securing the border with Mexico and Canada, in less than a month of being in office.

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