甘地的剧本:从忽略到DC沼泽生物的攻击 - 下一步是什么?
Gandhi's Playbook: From Ignored To Attacked By DC Swamp Creatures - What's Next For DOGE?

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/gandhis-playbook-ignored-attacked-dc-swamp-creatures-whats-next-doge

圣雄甘地(Mahatma Gandhi)著名地说,反对派经历了阶段:无视,嘲笑,战斗和最终输掉。这可能适用于华盛顿特区的局势,特朗普总统和埃隆·马斯克的政府效率部(DOGE)暴露了美国国际开发署资助的非政府组织中所谓的腐败。 最初,Doge被忽略和嘲笑。但是,随着Doge获得的动力,包括参议院民主党领导人Chuck Schumer在内的民主党领导人宣布了战争。舒默最初否认需要减少政府浪费,但最近承认确实存在浪费。 这种转变可能表明公众要求在政府支出中提高透明度和效率。如果甘地的报价成立,特朗普和多奇最终可能会克服反对派并取得成功。


"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win," Mahatma Gandhi, the Indian political and spiritual leader, famously said decades ago.

Remember Gandhi's quote throughout the note as a rough framework of what could happen next... 

Gandhi's quote could very well apply to the situation unfolding in Washington, D.C., where President Trump and Elon Musk's Department of Government Efficiency have exposed what some believe to be the D.C. Swamp Uniparty siphoning billions of US taxpayer dollars each year through a complex web of NGOs funded by USAID. 

First, the Uniparty ignored and mocked DOGE... 

Then, in the last several weeks, Uniparty swamp creatures declared war on DOGE:


All because the Deep State grift is over... Here's how it worked through a web of NGOs:

And now, swamp creature Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer—after weeks of attacking DOGE, along with his colleagues declaring war on Musk and Trump, has finally admitted an inconvenient truth for the Deep State cheerleaders of the Democratic Party: "Everyone knows there's waste in government that should be cut." However, he noted: "But DOGE is using a meat axe, and they're cutting things that are efficient and effective."

Just a week ago, Schumer was in full panic mode, warning that DOGE would bring disaster—without a single mention of the need to cut government waste. In fact, he and his colleagues were advocating for the opposite: preserving USAID and maintaining the status quo.

So what changed in one week for Schumer to admit there's actual waste and fraud in the government? Maybe because he finally understood that most Americans gave Trump this mandate for more transparency in the government to understand where their monies are going. 

Suppose we follow Gandhi's quote, given Schumer's admittance that government fraud and waste are plentiful. In that case, Trump has a good shot at overcoming and winning the fight on government efficiency despite the short-term noise of Democrats yelling at the sky outside the US Treasury building.

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