Trump Praises $4.5 Trillion Tax Cut In House Budget, Wants Senate R's To Get With The Program

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-praises-spectacular-45-trillion-tax-cut-house-wants-senate-rs-get-program

特朗普总统支持众议院预算计划,其中包括4.5万亿美元的减税和更全面的议程,比参议院提议的短期资助工作更全面。他敦促参议院共和党放弃他们的计划,并与众议院保持一致,以实施他的“全美国第一议程”。 众议院计划允许共和党人通过采用预算,允许他们以简单的多数派克服程序障碍来绕开参议院民主党的税收和支出立法。但是,狭窄的众议院多数人使得为预算计划获得足够的选票是一项挑战。 包括减税在内的较大账单预计将需要几个月的时间才能完成。该众议院的计划将3000亿美元转移到军事和边境支出上,而参议院的版本则为1500亿美元用于军事和1750亿美元的移民和边境执法。


President Donald Trump threw his support behind a House budget plan calling for a $4.5 trillion tax cut, and encouraged Senate Republicans to abandon a short-term funding effort and coordinate with the House to implement "my FULL America First Agenda, EVERYTHING, not just parts of it."

"The House and Senate are doing a SPECTACULAR job of working together as one unified, and unbeatable, TEAM, however, unlike the Lindsey Graham version of the very important Legislation currently being discussed, the House Resolution implements my FULL America First Agenda, EVERYTHING, not just parts of it!" Trump wrote on Truth Social.

"We need both Chambers to pass the House Budget to "kickstart" the Reconciliation process, and move all of our priorities to the concept of, "ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL BILL." Trump continued.

The "Lindsey Graham version" refers to a vote scheduled this week in the Senate that would add $150 billion to military spending and increase immigration and border enforcement by $175 billion - which some Republicans say they want to move on quickly, while waiting to resolve contentious disputes over tax cuts and raising the debt ceiling.

House Speaker chimed in on X, saying that Trump "is right," adding "House Republicans are working to deliver President Trump’s FULL agenda - not just a small part of it."

Trump's comments have complicated efforts by Senate Republican leaders to drum up support for this week's budget vote, while the House - which is taking a one-week break for the President's Day holiday, is struggling to come up with enough votes for the budget plan because of the party's narrow majority, Bloomberg reports.

Adopting the budget is the first step in a special process Republicans intend to use to bypass minority senate Democrats on tax and spending legislation. A budget plan would allow Republicans to overcome procedural obstacles in the Senate with a simple majority rathe than the 60 votes it would otherwise take.

The House has drafted a plan to allow $4.5 trillion in tax cuts in exchange for $2 trillion in spending cuts and a $4 trillion increase in the debt ceiling. The House plan would direct $300 billion to military and border spending but the larger bill is expected to take months to hash out.

The plan which includes $4.5 trillion in tax cuts was approved in committee ahead of possible floor votes later this month. According to House leaders, their slim majority makes it easier to pass one bill vs. breaking it into several pieces.


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