MSNBC问“谁将在特朗普开枪”? MSNBC Asks "Who's Going To Take A Shot" At Trump?


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MSNBC Asks "Who's Going To Take A Shot" At Trump?

Authored by Steve Watson via,

MSNBC hack Chris Matthews received widespread condemnation Tuesday for asking during a live broadcast “who is going to take a shot” at President Trump.

The leftist propaganda machine is back to spreading incendiary rhetoric where Trump is concerned.

In fact, it never stopped.

During a ‘Morning Joe,’ appearance former Matthews called on Democrats to fight back against the “Big Boss,” Trump.

“He’s the big boss at home and the big boss overseas and nobody stands in his way. And I watch the Democrats and the media too. It’s very hard to take on a firing squad,” Matthew’s blathered.

He continued, “A lot of bullets coming your way, all aiming at you, and you’ve got to shoot back in all directions at the same time.”


“Why can’t a Democratic leader stand up and say, what I just said,” Matthews said referring to taking on Trump, adding “This guy’s taking down the Congress. He’s taking down the rights of the American people. He’s the Big Boss overseas and back here. The Big Boss. Listen to him. Do what he says. Nobody’s saying that.”

Then came the kicker.

“I keep waiting,” Matthews asserted, adding “Who’s going to stand up? Who’s going to take a shot back at this guy?"

Not exactly smart, using this kind of language when your audience is made up of Trump hating extremists. 

Or maybe that’s the intention.

It’s ok when they do it!

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Tyler Durden Thu, 02/20/2025 - 09:45
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