Musk Effect: Real-Time DC Traffic Data Shows "We've Returned To Office"


特朗普政府效率部负责人埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)本周命令联邦工人回到办公室,威胁要进行行政假期。 该指令于周一发布,似乎对流量产生了重大影响。根据Tomtom数据,周二上午在DC Capitol环城公路和都会区附近的一周内的拥塞水平最高。总统节联邦假期之后。 DC地区的社交媒体用户还报告了流量增加。 在巴尔的摩附近,社会保障局大楼附近的695高速公路经历了更高的交通量,内部人士引用了由于返回员工的涌入而潜在的停车问题。


On Monday morning, Elon Musk issued a very straightforward directive to federal workers: "Starting this week, those who still fail to return to office will be placed on administrative leave." 

By Tuesday morning, Musk, who is leading Trump's Department of Government Efficiency, appeared to have struck fear into federal workers, as TomTom real-time traffic data shows congestion levels around the DC Capitol Beltway and within the DC metro area hit the highest level earlier this AM in the last seven days. Note: the spike in traffic congestion comes a day after Musk's directive, and also President's Day - a federal holiday - was on Feb. 17. 

Folks on X - apparently in the DC area - are also complaining about elevated traffic levels:

Meanwhile, traffic is elevated on the 695 Highway around the Social Security Administration building in the Woodlawn area, just west of Baltimore City. 

An insider at the SSA building in Woodlawn told us that parking issues could arise as employees return to the office, given the limited number of parking spaces.

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