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Being threatened with billable hours? They must be terrified. |
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| You can always `SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns`, which is part of the SQL standard. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/infoschema-columns.h...
Plus, generally if you have SQL injection, you have multiple tries. You're not going to be locked out after one shot. And there's only so many combinations of `SELECT {id,userid,user_id,uid} FROM {user,users,login,logins,customer,customer}` before you find something useful. |
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| > You can always `SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns`, which is part of the SQL standard. https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/infoschema-columns.h.
You can "always" do that? Well I just did that. My database said: no such table: information_schema.columns And what if my database had disabled this capability entirely? Also, is there anything implying SQL here at all? Can't other databases with injection "capability" have schemas? > Plus, generally if you have SQL injection, you have multiple tries. You're not going to be locked out after one shot. No, you can't say it with such certainty at all. It really depends on what else you're triggering in the process of that SQL injection. You could easily be triggering something (like a password reset, a payment transaction...) where you're severely limited in your attempts. > And there's only so many combinations of `SELECT {id,userid,user_id,uid} FROM {user,users,login,logins,customer,customer}` before you find something useful. account, accounts, password, passwords, profile, profiles, credential, credentials, auth, auths, authentication, authentications, authentication_info, authentication_infos, authorization, authorizations, passwd, passwds, user_info, user_infos, login_info, login_infos, account_info, account_infos... should I keep going? And these are just the logins/passwords; what if the information of interest was something else, like parking tickets? |
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| We can successfully interpret the two words “guinea pig” without it pertaining to either pigs or things coming from Guinea, so I’m sure this is also possible. |
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| Losing on what point? Everybody agrees it is bad schemas are per se exempt from FOIA. On the security concerns of releasing schemas, we won in basically every court. |
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| I don't understand your argument. If I have a SQLI, I can, as you acknowledge, fetch the schema. So what does it matter if the schema is published a priori? All that matters is whether I have SQLI. |
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| There is a whole sub-field of software security dedicated to retrieving information from SQL injections that don't directly return results. This is not a plausible objection. |
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| If both sides agreed to the analogy of giving the bank robber the blueprints to the vault, I think any lay judge would agree that endangers the bank's security. |
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| > Knowing the exact column names can speed up an attack and, in some cases, make it more feasible.
If I'm looking at a database, I like knowing column names, but I like knowing table names more. |
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| The short answer is yes, you can do this. I've seen this work for emails, where the request is basically, "Give me the most recent email of [email protected]".
And yeah, the plan was to eventually submit a batch of requests using the table names, similar to `SELECT * FROM {table_name_from_schema_request} LIMIT 1`, but one FOIA request per-table. |
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| Kudos to you for enduring through this fight! We can only achieve transparency when people choose not to be complacent. Thank you.
What do you think are the next steps? |
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| I think the point of the lawsuit is less about CANVAS schema itself and more about the ability of the government to hide this kind of information from FOIA requests. |
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| Earnest question: If you suspect them of lying on the issue, why would you trust them to release the full schema in response to the FOIA request, and not just omit any possibly incriminating columns? |
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| By that logic there's no point investigating any crime or doing any kind of audit. You increase the costs of covering up, and put them in a dilemma - remember this is exactly what brought down Nixon. |
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| That’s what I meant. For example, people who have a suspicious number of tickets dismissed. Or perhaps certain employees that dismiss a suspicious number. |
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| They can produce a report using english language labels instead of the db column names. Their argument isn't fact it's vexatious obstenance. |
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| Wouldn't admitting this in court pin you with some sort of negligence? (if you knew having a schema revealed would compromise your app in some way). |
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| I can't imagine how the schema would reveal SQL injection holes. Maybe other holes, though. Any poor choices for PKs, dumb use of MD5 computed fields, insecure random, misuse of NULL, weird uniqueness constraints (this also ties back to NULLs), vulnerable extensions, wrong timestamp type, too-small integer type, varchar limits, predictable index speed...
Edit: More NULL, or maybe lack thereof cause they use the string "NULL" instead? https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=20676904 |
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| > kicked off from reading what is essentially, a schema.
I wouldn't call json a schema. In the HN discussion tptacek replied that "$10,000 feels extraordinarily high for a server-side web bug": https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=43025038 However his comment assumes monetisation is selling the bug; (tptacek deeply understands the market for bugs). However I would have thought monetisation could be by scanning as many YouTube users as possible for their email addresses: and then selling that limited database to a threat actor. You'd start the scan with estimated high value anonymous users. Only Google can guess how many emails would have been captured before some telemetry kicked off a successful security audit. The value of that list could possibly well exceed $10000. Kinda depends on who is doxxed and who wants to pay for the dox. It's hard to know what the reputational cost to Google would be for doxxing popular anonymous accounts. I'm guessing video is not so often anonymous so influencers are generally not unknown? I'm guessing trying to blackmail Google wouldn't work (once you show Google an account that is doxxed, they would look at telemetry logs or perhaps increase telemetry). I wonder if you could introduce enough noise and time delay to avoid Google reverse-engineering the vulnerability? Or how long before a security audit of code would find the vulnerability? Certainly I can see some governments paying good money to dox anonymous videos that those governments dislike. The Saudis have money! You could likely get different government security departments to bid against each other... Thousands seems doable per dox? The value would likely decrease as you dox more. |
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| SQL injection will give you the entire schema anyway. It doesn't help if someone tells you the col names beforehand. I'm more wondering about non-SQL-injection vulns. |
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| SQL injection isnt just an ssh tunnel to the database. If the line you've injected isnt a select and the backend never fetches it how does the injection give you the column names? |
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| I don’t think that’s a very common setup but perhaps I’m just exposing my own ignorance. Just consider the popularity of ORMs. They explicitly load the schema into the application in many cases. |
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| The categorical elimination of single-family zoning along with any building envelope restrictions that would make as-of-right 3-flats uneconomical. |
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| “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead |
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| It's about that it's a small-dedicated group that brings change and not government or private institution. If it's still hard to grasp, then think about how national movements started. |
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| Nobody reasonably expects all laws to be written completely unambiguously. But since laws (and indeed all manner of legal documents) are filled with lists and modifiers, I don't think it's unreasonable to require that they be written to a certain standard which defines how these lists and modifiers should be interpreted, similar to RFC 2119 https://microformats.org/wiki/rfc-2119.
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| It happens from time to time. https://www.theverge.com/2017/10/19/16503076/oracle-vs-googl... ( https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=15834800 42 comments)
> These days, he often looks for some kind of STEM background for the IP desk. It’s not necessary, but it helps. Bill Toth, the IP clerk during Oracle v. Google, didn’t have a STEM background, but he told me that the judge had specifically asked him to take a computer science course in preparation for his clerkship. When I asked Alsup about it, he laughed a little — he had no recollection of “making” Toth take any classes — but he did acknowledge that sometimes he gives clerks a heads up about what kind of cases are coming their way, and what kind of classes might be useful ahead of time. Note that it's not necessarily the judge that's important as an individual knowing the material, but that the clerks who work for the judge are. |
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| I find it slightly odd that you get hung up on the file format thing. The law as you quoted it says "including but not limited to" and the first example given is then "software". |
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| A private company wouldn't want to divulge their DB schemas because it's advantageous for competitors to see how you're doing things. That doesn't apply to government databases. |
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| Not quite, and the details get hairier the closer you look. The database in-question here is an IBM system. The database itself is used for government functions, making it FOIA'able, despite it being managed by a third party company. IBM even tried to argue that the schema was trade secret, but the statute isn't straight forward. Here's my (successful) response when they tried:
You mentioned on Thursday over the phone that IBM is not too keen on having its database schema released, and, between IBM and Chicago, is seeking an exemption under 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(g) - an exemption that is only valid if the release of records would cause competitive harm. This email preemptively seeks to address that exemption within the context of this request in the hopes of a speedier release of records. It is FOI's belief that there is little room for the case for the valid use of 5 ILCS 140/7(1)(g) when considering the insignificance of the records in conjunction with the release of past documents: 1. Chicago released CANVAS's technical specification [1] seven years ago. To the extent that the specification's continued publication does not cause competitive harm, it is very unlikely that the release of CANVAS's database schema would cause any harm. 2. The claim that the release of a database schema would cause competitive harm is not unlike suggesting that the release of filing cabinets' labels can cause competitive harm. Furthermore, in your response, please be mindful that the burden of proving competitive harm rests on the public body [2]. [1] https://www.cityofchicago.org/content/dam/city/depts/dps/Con... [2] http://foia.ilattorneygeneral.net/pdf/opinions/2018/18-004.p... |
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| Your imagination can't cover how bad you might think it is (and yet it isn't that bad).
Or at least I don't want to explain to "20 years later Monday Morning Quarterback". |
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| I noticed that you do have data for Flint. Did you have to pay it, or is there some appeals process if you're quoted an unreasonable amount?
Great project by the way! |
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| I completely agree with you that (unlike/despite the Supreme Court ruling), database table/column schema design (and other system designs) should fall under the Illinois statute as "documentation pertaining to all logical and physical design of computerized systems". It's interesting that the law did pick up on that distinction between logical and physical design but none of the parties described in this article did. Logical/physical designs are not just about servers and integrations, they are also about data.
I'm not sure why that wasn't argued by the state and the state argued the database schema was a "file format". Per my reasoning, the state still would have won, but for different reasons. I disagree with you slightly however and would say that the schema table/column names should be considered not logical but "physical design" while the business naming/meaning of tables would be a "logical design" (or conceptual design). See Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_schema SQL injection is really about physical schema designs, not logical ones (I do get that every bit of information including business naming of tables/columns helps in an attack, but it does change the degree of threat and thus the balancing tests of the risk which are relevant per the definitions and case law described in the original article.) So in terms of what the law /SHOULD/ be, the law should not include logical design as a security exception, only physical design. It /SHOULD/ be possible for citizens to do FOIA requests and get a logical understanding of all the database fields without giving them the SQL names that can accelerate SQL injection attacks. In that way citizens could ask for the data by a logical/business-named handle rather than a physical one. And the state should create logical models or provide data dictionaries with business (not technical terms) on request as part of their FOIAable obligations to their citizens for the data they are maintaining. My 2 cents as someone designing database schemas for 25+ years. |
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| I assure you that Excel spreadsheets with formulas in them are FOIA-able in Illinois. Since we can take that as axiomatic, I think we can put "schemas are software" to bed. |
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| That's fascinating, but you just claimed Excel spreadsheets were "software" in the sense of the Illinois FOIA statute definition, and they are not. QED. |
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| The article describes why. 2 different db engines (or even instances) can use different file layouts for the same schema.
In many was sql is all about divorcing the schema from the files. |
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| Yea coupled with the courts arguments the interpretation of sections in a document as a "file format" means no files with sections can be released via FOIA requests |
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| It literally does not describe a file, and does not literally describe the data layout of anything on disk (though with enough knowledge, you may be able to infer facts about probable layouts). |
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| > does not literally describe the data layout of anything on disk
Huh? Depends on the DMBS, but each InnoDB table is a file. And the schema determines the file structure. |
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| We can't FOIA details about how xls file laid out internally, despite that xls file being FOIA'ble itself. That's the file-format we're talking about. |
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| It's Matt Champan! https://mchap.io/
I helped him process and visualize the original batch of parking ticket data waaaay back in 2016. I can't believe he's still on this in 2025. We need more junkyard dogs like him fighting for what's right. |
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| Knowing a spreadsheet header doesn't help an attacker gain access to that spreadsheet in any way. Knowing SQL column names may give an attacker an advantage in accessing a database. |
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| Compare: "Knowing the writing style of current employees may give an attacker an advantage while phishing, therefore, we cannot turn over any memos or emails whatsoever."
Ditto for the org-chart. |
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| I have this cousin, Vinny, who's a lawyer, and he was able to use his girlfriend as an expert witness. Both sides agreed she really knows her stuff because that's what really matters. |
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| "Schemaless" is like "serverless" in that there's always a schema, even if it's not enforced by the database and instead applied dynamically by the application layer. |
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| Public bodies tend to just want to resist FOIAs for the sake of resisting them. I've never really been able to fully understand the motivations, even after a decade of FOIA litigation. |
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| I had that thought too, but my naive rebuttal would be that the column data already exists by default in any standard RDBMS as information_schema.columns. No new record creation required. |
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| Yes but what if we come up with a directive that every FOIA request must be logged into a DB. Therefore every request is automatically invalid as it requires we create a record!
/s |
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| Not a lawyer, but why not use opensource as an example? Many successful public e-commerce websites have public schemas and aren't all hacked. |
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| Got to see this happen day by day on the Midwest Venture Partners Slack. There was another lawsuit Chappman and Tom did for laser based speed detection in Chicago. |
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| What stands out to me about this article is the time between court appearances. Seems like if you want to accomplish anything in court you need to be prepared to spend years of your life on it. |
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| And of course, people and entities (private or as in this case public) who have a lot of resources take advantage of that, a state of affairs which often serves to perpetuate injustice indefinitely. |
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| Do stored procedures count as part of the schema? I've recently found a SQL injection vulnerability in a client's SP that was using concat (very badly) |
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| No he didn't. The grandparent comment here was just a snarky put-down. No part of my testimony was impacted by a casual write-up I did about it 4 years after the fact. |
Bear in mind that Matt technically lost this, even with the backing of some of the absolute best civil rights lawyers in the country, Loevy and Loevy, fighting on his behalf. This shows you the absurd difficulty in fighting city hall, especially if you're crazy enough to do it without representation.
The one thing working in our favor is what is proposed in TFA: change the law. Once the state Supreme Court has ruled you're hosed unless you can get an amendment. Illinois has a very strong history of amending its FOIA statute, although a proportion of those changes are to further protect information from disclosure, not always on the side of sunshine.
Another change that needs to happen is strong punishment for bodies who lose these fights. In Illinois this is limited to a "$5000 civil penalty" against the body. What is a civil penalty? It's vaguely defined. They used to throw the money to the plaintiff, but in the later cases I fought they simply awarded the money to the county. As one State's Attorney said to me "I don't care if I lose every case, I just write a check out to myself."
(one final note: be careful what you wish for when you litigate, you can end up with an appellate decision like this that solidifying in law the exact thing you were fighting. It's nobody's fault, but it happens. I ended up with one absurd decision that removed prisoners' rights rather than enhanced them.)