Dollar Spikes As Trump Clarifies He Is Not Backing Away From Tariff Plan

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/dollar-spikes-trump-clarifies-he-not-backing-away-tariff-plan

特朗普总统初次的内阁会议引发了市场波动,这是由于对墨西哥和加拿大的互惠/非股份关税的含糊不清陈述。尽管最初的解释暗示了关税可能延迟,但关于欧盟关税的矛盾评论使水域混乱。 今天早上,特朗普通过真理社会澄清,计划于3月4日对墨西哥和加拿大的关税将由于持续流入美国的毒品流动,特别是来自中国的芬太尼而进行的。他说,关税将保持有效,直到毒品问题“严重限制”为止。此外,3月4日,还将对中国额外提出10%的关税。 4月2日的相互关税日期保持不变。 这种坚硬的立场使美元飙升,而加拿大美元,墨西哥比索,欧元和中国人民币都在下降。市场参与者正在密切监视情况,并预计总统会进一步更新。


Yesterday, during his first cabeinet meeting, President Trump discussed various aspects of his reciprocal/non-reciprocal tariff plans... prompting the stock market to decline and general chaos in FX markets. His words were interpreted as pushing back the start of tariffs on Mexico and Canada by a month (but that 'dovishness' was offset by comments on EU tariffs).

This morning, the president has issued a 'clarifying' statement on Truth Social.

Drugs are still pouring into our Country from Mexico and Canada at very high and unacceptable levels. 

A large percentage of these Drugs, much of them in the form of Fentanyl, are made in, and supplied by, China. 

More than 100,000 people died last year due to the distribution of these dangerous and highly addictive POISONS. 

Millions of people have died over the last two decades. The families of the victims are devastated and, in many instances, virtually destroyed. 

We cannot allow this scourge to continue to harm the USA, and therefore, until it stops, or is seriously limited, the proposed TARIFFS scheduled to go into effect on MARCH FOURTH will, indeed, go into effect, as scheduled.

China will likewise be charged an additional 10% Tariff on that date. 

The April Second Reciprocal Tariff date will remain in full force and effect. 

Thank you for your attention to this matter. 


Tl;dr: We are going full tariff-tard!

The result is the dollar is spiking...

as CAD, MXN, EUR, and CNH all tumble.

Traders anxiously await the next post from the president.

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