Zelensky leaves White House after angry meeting

原始链接: https://www.bbc.com/news/live/c625ex282zzt

国会的主要民主党人强烈批评唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)和瓦斯·万斯(J.D. Vance)与乌克兰总统泽伦斯基(Zelensky)的会面,指责他们破坏了美国对乌克兰的支持,并安抚俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)。查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer),哈基姆·杰弗里斯(Hakeem Jeffries)和珍妮·沙欣(Jeanne Shaheen)等人的数字谴责了特朗普的举动为“做普京的肮脏工作”,“震惊”,并背叛了美国对乌克兰的承诺。 议员们认为,特朗普的行为煽动了普京,伤害了美国的全球领导,并不尊重为民主而战的美国人的牺牲。参议员克里斯·墨菲(Chris Murphy)称这次会议为旨在帮助普京的“计划伏击”,而代表泰德·列欧(Ted Lieu)表示,普京正在庆祝特朗普的“尴尬行为”。民主党人强调了面对俄罗斯侵略的美国继续支持乌克兰的重要性。他们反对自己认为特朗普的Pro-Putin立场的统一。

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Democrats are unified in their party's support of Ukraine

And now we bring you some more reactions from Democrats in Congress who seem to be aligned in how they view the Oval Office meeting - that Trump and Vance attacked Zelensky to help or to impress Putin.

Here are some notable comments from top Democratic lawmakers:

Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrats' leader in the chamber, on X: "Trump and Vance are doing Putin’s dirty work. Senate Democrats will never stop fighting for freedom and democracy."

Representative Hakeem Jefffies, the highest-ranking Democrat in the House: "Today’s White House meeting with the President of Ukraine was appalling and will only serve to further embolden Vladimir Putin, a brutal dictator. The United States must not reward Russian aggression and continue to appease Putin."

Senator Jeanne Shaheen, the most senior Democrat on the Foreign Relations Committee, to a reporter: "It's distressing to see the President... is walking away from our commitment in Ukraine, and doesn't seem to understand what a murderous dictator Vladimir Putin is."

Representative Gregory Meeks, the most senior Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee: "Trump’s actions today undermined U.S. leadership, emboldened our adversaries, humiliated both himself and his Republican Party, and insulted the generations of Americans who fought and died to build America’s standing in the world. It is not President Zelensky who disrespected the United States in the Oval Office. It was Donald Trump.”

Senator Tammy Duckworth, a combat veteran: "Attacking our democratic partner in service of an autocratic dictator. Trump is a national disgrace."

Representative Ted Lieu, a long-serving member of the House who sits on the Foreign Affairs Committee: "Nobody is celebrating President Trump and Vice President Vance’s embarrassing behavior in the Oval Office more than Vladimir Putin. Today was a distressing moment for those of us who value democracy and America’s role as a force for good."

Senator Chris Murphy, a more liberal Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who has emerged as one of Trump's fiercest critics, on X: "What just happened in the Oval Office was a planned ambush, designed to help a brutal Russian dictator and hurt America's security. Trump has become Putin's lapdog, and America's global power is hemorrhaging as America sides with dictators over democracy. What an embarrassment."

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