Next Gold Move Will Surprise The World

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/precious-metals/next-gold-move-will-surprise-world

埃贡·冯·格雷尔斯(Egon von Greyerz)认为,特朗普可能正在为世界做准备,因为诺克斯堡(Fort Knox)可能缺乏黄金,质疑美国黄金储备。他认为这可能会破坏对美国和美元的信心。虽然诺克斯堡黄金可能是世界黄金的一部分,但作者认为,如果诺克斯堡(Fort Knox)几乎没有黄金,情况可能会引起全球金融恐慌。 冯·格雷兹(Von Greyerz)认为,黄金被低估了,并且开始了巨大的向上移动,与倒塌的货币和下降的股票相吻合。他建议持有实体黄金和白银,由于银的波动,黄金的比例较大。他指出,黄金是大自然的金钱,不受印刷,黑客入侵或贬低的影响,并且历来保持其购买力。他敦促投资者在即将到来的股票市场崩溃之前购买黄金和白银,而银行失败则大大推动了价格,这使得在当前水平上获取为时已晚。


Authored by Egon von Greyerz via vongreyerz.gold,

Trump would not be surprised if there is no gold in Fort Knox.

There should be 4,600 tons there, at a value of $430 billion. 

The U.S. allegedly holds 8,100 tons of gold in Fort Knox, with most remaining reserves stored at the New York Fed.

TRUMP: “Elon and I are going to Fort Knox to see if there is any gold there. If there are only 27 tons, we would be happy. Would not be surprised if there is nothing here – they stole this too!”

So, is Trump preparing the world that there is no gold in Fort Knox?

In a recent Tweet, I said:

So, the time has now arrived for the U.S. to show the world their gold hand.

Will Trump suppress the news, if it is bad? Very likely.


Whether the gold is or is not in Fort Knox, it could be seen as a sideshow.

After all, it accounts for only 2% of all the gold ever mined in history.

But on the other hand, either little or no gold there, results in no confidence in the U.S. or in the dollar.


At $2,920, all the gold officially held by Central Banks is $3 trillion.

Just one US stock – Microsoft – has a market cap of $3 trillion. 

How can the value of a SINGLE AMERICAN COMPANY equal the total central bank gold holdings?

It tells us, how overvalued stocks are; and that the gold price is ridiculously low.


Gold is just starting another massive UP-MOVE. This is the acceleration or exponential phase, as explained below.

This is when gold will again go up by multiples, just as it always has when currencies collapse.

Stocks will also fall rapidly, and a bit later, bonds will fall (interest rates up).

Any major correction in gold is unlikely until it has reached much, much higher prices.

Thus, anyone watching conventional overbought indicators will miss the Gold Wagon

And don’t forget, the next very big silver move hasn’t started yet. Paper-short positions in silver by bullion banks are temporarily keeping silver down. 

When, or even before, the gold-silver ratio falls below 75 (now 91), silver will explode.

Silver will then move 2-3 X as fast as gold.

But remember that silver is very volatile and not for widows and orphans. So if you want to sleep at night, hold no more than 25% in silver and 75% in gold.

And remember, it must only be physical. There is an unlimited supply of paper, gold, and silver. One day, these paper contracts will be worthless.


As a matter of fact, virtually no one does as gold is only 0.5% of global financial assets.

Still, gold is up 10X, or more, in most currencies in this century.

When Nixon went off The Gold Standard in 1971, few understood that this would be the start of the biggest global debt creation in history, leading to gold going up 84 X. More accurately – paper money losing 99%.

This is not meant to be sensational – I am a conservative Swiss born in Sweden. 

My message has been consistent for the last 25 years of advising High-Net-Worth Investors to preserve wealth in physical gold and silver stored outside the banking system. 


That’s when we and our HNW clients put the majority of their liquid assets in physical gold at $300. I had been fortunate to advise some of them in successful corporate deals in 1999, like selling tech businesses at a valuation of multiples of sales (no profits, of course) in 1999. So, these investors trusted me and put major amounts into gold 23 years ago.

Why is physical gold the only money in history that hasn’t gone to ZERO?


It is the only money not made by man.

So it can’t be printed or manufactured.

It can’t be debased.

It can’t be hacked – North Korea just stole $1.5 billion from the world’s second-largest crypto exchange. 4›

It is not dependent on a computer (like crypto or paper money).

It is unlikely to be confiscated (if you hold it in the right jurisdiction), thus not in the U.S.

It is unlikely to be stolen if you hold it in the safest vaults.


It is the only money that has maintained its purchasing power for thousands of years

All other money has gone to ZERO, without fail. 

With such a fantastic record, why is only 0.5% of global assets invested in gold?

Why doesn’t anyone buy gold? They have been spoiled by a stock market fuelled by printed money. 

That is about to change. When stock markets start falling in earnest and the era of “stocks-always-go-up” is finished, a stock collapse is very likely. 

At that time, some investors will realise that they need protection in the form of physical gold. The problem is that gold will not be available at current prices. 

So, gold will go up by multiples.

And remember, there will be major bank failures and exponential money printing. 

As my previous article stated – PRINT BABY PRINT.

Please, please jump on the Gold (and Silver) Wagon now, before it is too late. 

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