精神错乱的左派风暴曼哈顿·特斯拉(Manhattan Tesla
Deranged Leftists Storm Manhattan Tesla Showroom, Chant "Zelenskyy Is Hero"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/deranged-leftists-storm-manhattan-tesla-showroom-chant-zelenskyy-hero

遭受特朗普危险综合症的狂热左派人士在曼哈顿的肉类包装区的860 Washington St.的Tesla陈列室中,聊天,聊天“ Zelenskyy是英雄”,以及反doge and Antige and Antige and Antige and Anti-toge and Anti-to-Troump口号。抗议活动非常薄弱,因为在华盛顿特区,Doge时代的沼泽席卷了美国国际开发署(USAID)有能力将纳税人资金渠道汇入腐败的非政府组织,因为这是左派抗议活动的抗议活动。  录像显示,没有兴奋的自由主义者接管特斯拉陈列室。  数十人聚集在外面,拿着反埃隆的麝香,反特朗普和反卫星标志。激进分子似乎忽略了基本的遗kraft,高呼:“ Zelenskyy是英雄。”这是左派的英雄。  纽约警察局已经到了。  也许索罗斯和其他左派亿万富翁的时代通过其非政府组织利用纳税人资金释放了颜色革命的“租用暴动”。今天特斯拉陈列室的投票率很可悲。


Deranged leftists, suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, stormed the Tesla showroom at 860 Washington St. in Manhattan's Meatpacking District early afternoon, chatting "Zelenskyy is a hero," along with anti-DOGE and anti-Trump slogans. Protest turnout was notably weak, as DOGE-era swamp draining in Washington, DC, has curbed USAID's ability to funnel taxpayer funds to corrupt NGOs that bankroll leftist protests. 

Footage shows unhinged liberals taking over the Tesla showroom. 

Dozens gathered outside, holding anti-Elon Musk, anti-Trump, and anti-DOGE signs. The radicals, seemingly oblivious to basic statecraft, chanted, "Zelenskyy is a hero."

This is the left's hero. 

NYPD has arrived. 

Perhaps the era of Soros and other leftist billionaires using taxpayer funds through their NGOs to unleash color revolutions 'rent a riot' is over. The turnout at today's Tesla showroom was pathetic.

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