Trud-Out: Mark Carney To Become Canada's Next PM

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trud-out-mark-carney-become-canadas-next-pm

前加拿大央行和英格兰央行行长马克·卡尼赢得自由党领导权竞赛,将成为加拿大下一任总理,接替贾斯汀·特鲁多。卡尼以85.9%的得票率胜出。他缺乏政治经验且未担任议员,竞选期间主打其在央行任职期间积累的危机管理能力。他面临的当务之急是应对潜在的贸易战,而这是一个他此前大多回避讨论的话题。 卡尼的竞选纲领侧重经济,承诺为中产阶级减税并减少政府支出。他还打算通过奖励机制取代消费者碳税,并将排放成本转移给大型企业,以此应对气候变化。他还承诺取消省际贸易壁垒,并应对美国的关税。尽管他拥有英、爱双重国籍,但他已启动放弃双重国籍的程序。下次大选必须在十月前举行。反对党希望投不信任票,以触发提前大选。权力交接预计很快就会进行。


Aaaaaannndd, he's gone!

Ex-Bank of Canada and Bank of England governor and king of the globalists, Mark Carney, has tonight won the race to become Canada's next prime minister, replacing globalist Justin Trudeau.

Carney, a former central banker, won the contest to lead the Liberal Party of Canada with 85.9% of the vote. 

Throughout the leadership race, Carney portrayed himself as an experienced crisis manager who led major central banks at pivotal moments - in Canada, during the global financial crisis, and in the UK, during its tumultuous exit from the European Union. 

But he is relatively untested as a politician and does not currently hold a seat in Parliament. The first crisis he will face is a trade war.. which until now he has been quiet about.

“We have made this the greatest country in the world and now our neighbors want to take us,” Carney said in a brief speech before the results were announced on Sunday. 

“No way.”

The transfer of power from Justin Trudeau to Carney is expected to take place within days.

Globalist-er and globalist-er (but at least it wasn't Christia Freeland).

As the Epoch Times notes further, the next federal election must take place by October. Opposition parties have said they intend to vote non-confidence in the minority Liberal government to trigger an election sooner. Carney said on the campaign trail that he may call an early election to get a “strong mandate.”

The House of Commons is currently suspended until March 24, after Trudeau asked the governor general to prorogue Parliament on Jan. 6, the same day he announced his plan to resign and initiate a Liberal leadership race to find his replacement.

Once Carney becomes prime minister, it will end Trudeau’s nine-plus years of heading the federal government.

Trudeau took the Liberals from third place to a majority government in 2015, and won two subsequent elections in 2019 and 2021, although his government was reduced to a minority.
He announced his resignation in January following widespread public calls from within caucus amid declining poll numbers and a weak showing for the Liberals in byelections.

Carney will become a prime minister who doesn’t currently hold a seat in the legislature, a rare occurrence. In 1984, Liberal Prime Minister John Turner also took the top job after winning the Liberal leadership race following the resignation of Pierre Trudeau, without holding a seat in the legislature at the time.

Even more unusual, Carney will be the first prime minister who has never held an elected public role in Canada’s history.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau meets with then Bank of England governor Mark Carney at the G20 Summit in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on Nov. 30, 2018. The Canadian Press/Sean Kilpatrick

Carney served as the governor of the Bank of Canada from 2008 to 2013, after which he became the governor of the Bank of England until 2020.

He became active in the private sector after leaving his roles with central banks, serving on a number of boards and holding executive roles in financial companies. As well, he became the U.N. Special Envoy on Climate Action and Finance. Carney said he resigned from all these roles in January when he launched his leadership bid.

Carney has said he'll have a focus on the economy as prime minister, and said he plans to cut taxes for the middle class and reduce government spending.

One of Carney’s major focuses is climate change policies. He has said he‘ll remove the unpopular consumer-facing carbon tax and replace it with an incentive model, and that he’ll put the costs for emissions on major businesses.

He has also said he'll work to remove interprovincial trade barriers and respond to U.S. tariffs dollar-for-dollar, while working to diversify Canada’s export markets.

Carney, who holds British and Irish citizenship, has said he has begun the process of renouncing both citizenships.

Carney informally advised the Canadian government on the economic response during the pandemic, and was formally named as an economic advisor to the Liberal Party in September 2024.
The son of teachers, Carney was born in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, and grew up in Edmonton. He holds a doctorate in economics from Oxford and received his bachelor’s degree from Harvard.


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