When Corruption Is The Path

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/when-corruption-path

克里斯·马滕森认为,由于普遍存在的腐败和威廉·K·布莱克提出的“控制性欺诈”概念,美国政府和整个西方世界已经到达了一个无法挽回的地步。他认为,由受益者保护的系统性欺诈已经根深蒂固,改革已不可能。 马滕森以美国国际开发署(USAID)和联邦调查局(FBI)为例,认为这些机构已被腐蚀,而非充当反腐的制衡力量。他认为司法部同样无效,导致系统容易被利用。 他预测这些欺诈行为的爆炸性瓦解将导致严重的经济、市场、法律和政治动荡。马滕森担心这可能引发“大掠夺”,即政府没收私人资产以弥补其失败。他敦促读者做好准备,保护自己免受这些潜在掠夺的影响。


Authored by Chris Martenson via PeakProsperity.com,

When plunder becomes a way of life, and when Control Fraud dominates, there’s really no reform possible. You just have to start over. I think this is where we’re headed, and it’s going to be really bumpy along the way...

When corruption IS the path, there is only one destination.

There comes a moment in time when you just have to sit back and ask, “Can this thing I’m trying to do even be done?”

When it comes to an entity, company, individual or country, there’s an invisible line of corruption beyond which there’s no recovery.

Today I am going to make the case that the US government, as an entity, is too far gone to recover.  Whole parts of it will have to be torn down and rebuilt from scratch.

The West collectively has passed over that invisible line.  An enormous amount of economic, legal and political pain is in our future.  If we’re really lucky and refuse to put up with their deflections and nonsense, we’ll be able to avoid WW III.  If not…well, you’d better take stock of your provisions and basic life skills and improve them where they are deficient.

Frederic Bastiat captured this well back in the 1800’s.

Once the fraud and corruption have been allowed to persist for too long, the people benefitting from it stand up an entire system to protect and advance their rackets.

That’s where we are.

A really good way to begin to understand and dig through the systemic mess we’re in is to familiarize yourself with William K Black’s concept of “Control Fraud.”

Mr. Black’s background was both as a lawyer and a PhD in criminology, spanning the two areas necessary to begin to unravel the Savings & Loan frauds of the 1980s where he served honorably, his efforts resulted in many prosecutions, and he developed the concept of Control Fraud.

Without enforcement, there can be no reform of an entity shot through with Control Fraud.  Consider USAID.  Who was going to investigate and prosecute the many frauds operating there?  The FBI?

From the above partial list of “failures” it’s patently clear that the FBI had somehow become the clean-up and cover-up arm of other agencies running their own frauds and illegal activities.

Would we turn then to the Department of Justice?  Again, the patterns we can surface there are deeply troubling:

With the top investigative and prosecutorial arms of the government not only neutered, but captured within a legal system that authorizes the frauds and a moral system the glorifies them, the game has been lost.

There’s not much left but the painful part.

In part II, I cover how these frauds are likely to unwind explosively, leading to massive economic and market pains, as well as legal and political turmoil.  My inescapable conclusion is that these system shocks could well result in The Great Taking machinery being activated, leading to legendary losses for those who are wrongly positioned or unprepared.

After all, if there’s one last thing fraudsters do on their way out the door, it’s to grab as much as they can in one last desperate act, damn the consequences for the nation or other people!

Since our Treasury no longer has any gold or silver in it, the last official act will be to seize control of your assets.  It’s nothing personal, it’s simply the moral code of these people.

Cut off from their government flows they’ll come after your house, stocks and bonds next.  Fortunately, there are many ways to avoid their predations, or at least to not be low-hanging fruit for them.


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