Hardline Minister Threatens To Collapse Israel's Coalition Govt If Gaza War Stops

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/hardline-minister-ben-gvir-threatens-collapse-israels-coalition-govt-if-gaza-war-stops

以色列国家安全部长伊塔马尔·本-格维尔威胁称,如果延长目前与加沙的停火协议,以色列将解散该国联合政府。 此举可能会危及国际社会许多国家为该地区建立永久解决方案而做出的努力。 最近几周,本格维尔和哈马斯等政府内部保守强硬派之间的紧张关系不断加剧。哈马斯是负责从加沙发动首次导弹袭击的激进组织。 本月早些时候,耶路撒冷发生了一起致命枪击事件,据称是两名与哈马斯结盟的巴勒斯坦人实施的,导致三名无辜受害者死亡。 不久之后,哈马斯声称对这一事件负责,并呼吁针对以色列的行动升级暴力。 以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡在访问华盛顿期间重申,必须击败哈马斯,并表示该国“在哈马斯停止杀害我们公民之前不会休息”。 然而,执政联盟的一些成员赞成继续停火谈判,因为他们认为,在全球紧张局势加剧之际,有必要维持该地区的稳定。 最终,在定于明年初举行的下一轮议会选举之前,似乎不太可能做出任何有关延长或结束停火的决定。 截至今天,似乎没有任何迹象表明双方会很快让步。 由于双方都深入挖掘各自的意识形态,可能需要发生另一次恐怖袭击或重大军事对抗等灾难性事件才能促进妥协和外交进展,以实现持久和平。



Much of the international community has seen the ongoing temporary truce and accompanying hostage/prisoner swap in Gaza as a good and welcome development. The UN and even regional Arab countries have urged for the ceasefire to become permanent, but hardliners in the Israeli government are growing impatient concerning Israel's stated aim of wiping out Hamas.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir is now demanding an end to the truce, which his ultra-conservative Otzma Yehudit party has opposed from the beginning.

He's even threatening to break apart the governing coalition under Prime Minister Netanyahu. Ben-Gvir posted to X this week in Hebrew: 

"Stopping the war = breaking apart the government."

It's being widely reported as a clear threat to collapse the unity ruling coalition government; however, it remains unclear whether his party's exit would ultimately fragment the coalition at this moment of war and national emergency.

Ministers Itamar Ben Gviir (right) and Bezalel Smotritz, Flash90/JPost

On Thursday a pair of Palestinian gunmen unleashed M16 and pistol fire on a crowd waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop, killing three Israelis and injuring 16.

Shortly after the attack, Hamas claimed responsibility.

The Hamas statement said "the operation came as a natural response to unprecedented crimes conducted by the occupation" and further called for "an escalation of the resistance."

Ben Gvir quickly pointed out that this means Hamas has broken the truce, and that Israel should continue attacking Gaza

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir argued that Hamas had broken the truce, centered around fighting in Gaza, after the organization claimed responsibility for a Thursday terror attack in Jerusalem. Less than an hour after Thursday’s truce extension was finalized, the shooting attack killed three Israelis.

"With one hand Hamas signs a ceasefire, with the other it sends terrorists to murder Jews in Jerusalem," the police minister, who was against the pause in fighting to begin with, said in a Thursday statement released by his Otzma Yehudit party.

"This is not a ceasefire but rather a continuation of the conception of containment [of terror attacks] and concession that brought us murdered people, which gives [Hamas’s Gaza leader Yahya] Sinwar hope that he can exit this conflict with the upper hand," he continued.

Ben Gvir declared in his Thursday statement, "We have to stop deals with the devil, and return immediately to the fight, with rare strength."

PM Netanyahu's words conveyed to US Secretary of State Blinken on the same day appeared geared toward assuaging these growing voices that are critical of the truce. "I told him we have sworn, and I have sworn, to destroy Hamas. Nothing will stop us," he informed a post-meeting press conference.

Netanyahu later in the day issued a statement specifically reacting to Ben-Gvir, insisting that the war against Hamas would continue until Hamas is eliminated: "There is no situation in which we do not go back to fighting until the end," the prime minister stressed. "This is my policy. The entire Security Cabinet is behind it. The entire Government is behind it. The soldiers are behind it. The people are behind it — this is exactly what we will do."

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