Watch: UK Health Security Head Admits Use Of Face Masks Was Never "Evidence Based"

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/watch-uk-health-security-head-admits-use-face-masks-was-never-evidence-based

在最近一次关于英国应对 COVID-19 大流行的听证会上,英格兰前副首席医疗官承认,大流行期间的口罩政策没有科学依据,反而可能导致佩戴口罩的人产生错误的安全感。 他们。 詹妮·哈里斯教授解释说,戴口罩的指导并没有达到预期效果,由于缺乏证据支持其有效性,甚至可能加剧了这一问题。 她警告不要佩戴脆弱的织物覆盖物而不是正确佩戴 N95 呼吸器。 尽管有这些警告,一些人今天仍然选择继续使用口罩。 最近发表的一项研究发现,在疫情爆发期间,口罩对弱势群体几乎没有提供任何保护,这为哈里斯的言论增添了分量。 重要的是要记住,三年前质疑戴口罩的规定导致了社会孤立和被排除在公共话语之外。 为了对抗大规模审查制度,我们敦促读者向 Locals 等替代媒体平台捐款或购买我们网站上提供的商品。



Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

During testimony at the UK government’s COVID inquiry this week, England’s former deputy chief medical officer at the height of the pandemic admitted that there was never any proof that face masks were effective in slowing or preventing the spread of the virus, and in all likelihood made the problem worse.

Professor Dame Jenny Harries, now the head of the UK Health Security Agency, explained that the policy wasn’t based on scientific reality and had the effect of instilling a “false sense of security,” convincing people that they would reduce their risk of becoming infected if they wore a mask.

She also told the inquiry that government advice on how to make a mask out of bits of cloth and old t-shirts was wholly “ineffective”.

“There appeared to be a view permeating through, and a real concern and risk, that it was being conceived that if you did one metre (social distancing) and you wore a face covering slung round your cheek, or whatever it might be, that was fine,” Harries noted.

She continued, “So, there was a risk that in encouraging face (masks) people would stop doing the thing that was really important, which was distancing and all the other things.”

“What was being conceived was if you wear a face covering and reduce everything to a metre, the face covering will make up for the difference, and the answer was no, it won’t, and it definitely won’t if it’s ever not evidence based,” Harries added.


The BBC was broadcasting the testimony, but decided to “break away” when Harries started to explain how the use of masks was not evidence based and instilled a false sense of security among people wearing them.

In 2020 when it was all kicking off, Harries advised people not to panic buy and wear face masks saying that “it’s usually quite a bad idea” to wear a mask if you haven’t been expressly advised to do so by a medical professional.

She also told the BBC that masks could potentially “trap the virus” and help it spread.

Studies have proven that she was right all along:

Study Finds “No Evidence” Face Masks Protect Vulnerable Against COVID

Government Advisor Admits Masks Are Just “Comfort Blankets” That Do Virtually Nothing

Never forget that if you questioned the masks at the time you were ostracised and banned from engaging in society.

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