Apple Secures Temporary Reversal On Smartwatch Sales Ban By Appeals Court

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/apple-secures-temporary-reversal-smartwatch-sales-ban-appeals-court

2023 年 12 月 28 日,苹果成功撤销了因涉及医疗技术公司 Masimo Corporation 的专利侵权纠纷而暂时禁止销售部分智能手表。 美国贸易委员会最初的裁决发现,苹果侵犯了两项与测量氧饱和度相关的专利技术。 作为回应,苹果公司向上诉法院请求暂缓执行禁令,上诉法院批准该禁令延迟至 1 月 12 日,同时海关官员正在审查不包含 Masimo 有争议技术的新手表型号。 这意味着苹果仍然可以在此期间销售其最新的手表,而不会受到任何进一步的干扰或限制。 马西莫指责苹果抄袭其血氧传感系统并聘用关键员工,但随着苹果对初步判决提出质疑并敦促拜登政府采取行动,争议仍在继续。 然而,在上诉法院批准暂缓执行的消息传出后,Masimo 股价下跌,表明投资者情绪不一。 无论如何,这一发展可能会影响热切期待新苹果设备的手表消费者。 尽管如此,在苹果可能永久失去这些产品的使用权之前,客户可能还有一次机会。



Apple was (temporarily) victorious on Wednesday in its bid to reverse a ruling that had barred the US import of certain smartwatches, a ban initially in place from Tuesday after the US International Trade Commission (ITC) ruled earlier the tech giant infringed on blood oxygen-sensing technology patents owned by the medical technology firm Masimo. 

On Tuesday, Apple filed a request to the US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, based in Washington, DC, to pause ITC's import ban and sale of Apple Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2.

By late Wednesday morning, Reuters reported the appeals court temporarily halted ITC's order. 

Masimo has claimed in past legal filings that Apple illegally copied its pulse oximetry technology and poached employees to expand its smartwatch division. 

It should be noted that ITC, which guides the White House and Congress on issues like intellectual property disputes, is overseen by the president.

Apple has been contesting the ITC's decision and urged the Biden administration to overturn it. 

Masimo shares were down 3% on the Reuters report. 

The pause allows Apple to continue selling Watch Series 9 and Ultra 2 until Customs and Border Protection reviews redesigned versions of its watches, which do not include Masimo technology.

The review is expected to be completed on Jan. 12. 

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