NHS 将调查 Palantir 影响者活动可能违反合同
NHS to investigate Palantir influencer campaign as possible contract breach

原始链接: https://goodlawproject.org/nhs-to-investigate-palantir-influencer-campaign-as-possible-contract-breach/

最近有消息称,英国国家医疗服务体系 (NHSE) 宣布将调查 Palantir 针对公民自由组织 Good Law Project 的潜在非法影响者活动,因为该活动可能违反了与 NHSE 的合同条款。 泄露的内部竞选材料显示,这家美国科技公司聘请了两家机构:Topham Guerrin(与保守党有联系)和营销机构 Disrupt,以虚假借口接触社交媒体影响者。 简报指示影响者在向这些人寻求付款时不要提及 Palantir。 这些调查结果是在圣诞节前的最后一个工作日公布 NHSE 和 Palantir 之间的合同后不久得出的。 然而,大多数页面都包含经过编辑的信息,甚至是有关个人数据保护的关键细节。 尽管“宣传和品牌”部分明确规定 Palantir 不得在促销活动中使用 NHSE 的名称或品牌,也不得宣传与 NHS 的交易协议,并声称由于是“探索性项目”,因此无需与 NHSE 协商。 相比之下,竞选材料使用“竞选”等术语进行标记,并在年底之前提出截止日期,表明经过深思熟虑。 良好法律项目的执行董事评论说,如果本届政府未能进行干预以维护国家利益,下一届政府肯定应该进行干预。 我们鼓励有兴趣支持 Good Law Project 的读者通过电子邮件注册更新,并通过各种渠道联系 Good Law Project,包括职位空缺、新闻稿和一般查询。 最后,该网站还提供工作机会、媒体查询和联系表格的具体链接,以及与网站开发和所有权相关的其他相关详细信息。



We can reveal that Palantir was required to but failed to seek prior approval from NHS England (NHSE) for its campaign to promote its contract to run the Federated Data Platform and brief against Good Law Project. Now NHSE has confirmed to Bloomberg UK that it will be investigating whether Palantir violated the contract terms just weeks after signing it.

A leaked briefing and emails from the campaign shows that Palantir used Tory-linked PR agency, Topham Guerin and marketing agency, Disrupt, to approach social media influencers to ask them what they would like to be paid to take part. This was done at arms-length, with the briefing asking influencers not to mention Palantir in their content.

Quoted text from the 'Things to avoid' section of the Topham Guerin Briefing. Quoted text starts: The Federated Data Platform contract was finally published on the last working day before Christmas. Page after page of this three-part contract has been redacted – including a section on the protection of personal data.

But one of the sections we can actually see – which covers ‘Publicity and Branding’ – states that Palantir is not permitted to use the Authority’s name or brand in any marketing or publicise the contract without the prior written consent of NHS England. 

An NHS spokesperson told Bloomberg that the NHS takes any potential breach of contract by a supplier seriously and is investigating what happened.

An excerpt from the Federated Data Contract signed between the NHS and Palantir which reads:

“Palantir is not – and frankly never has been – a company that can be trusted with this nationally important contract with our NHS” says Good Law Project’s Executive Director, Jo Maugham.

“By its own behaviour it is telling us exactly that.”

“Within weeks, it commissioned a covert smear campaign against a prominent critic and appears to have broken the terms of that contract. If this Government won’t act to protect the national interest, the next one must.”

Responding to Bloomberg, Palantir has claimed that its campaign was an “exploratory project” so it did not need to consult NHSE. Palantir’s Executive Vice President for UK and Europe, Louis Mosely said, “We decided not to pursue the project — as such, the campaign was not discussed with NHS England”.

But it is clear that the campaign did seek to use the NHS name and brand in marketing and publicized its agreement with the NHS.

The campaign materials were dated 28 November 2023, gave as a deadline 22 December and stated “We are on a tight timeline for this one and would require a response as soon as possible with content going live before the new year”, so it is clear that there was no intention to seek the NHS England’s consent.

Palantir’s conduct in commissioning a covert, paid-for smear campaign against a prominent critic; its decision to breach its contract with the NHS within weeks of signing it; and subsequent dissembling about its intention to breach, will serve to substantiate the concerns of those who believe Palantir was an entity that ought never to have been given the contract in the first place.

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