达沃斯对特朗普议论纷纷; 泽伦斯基警告欧洲将“失去乌克兰”
Davos Rattled Over Trump; Zelensky Warns Europe Will 'Lose Ukraine'

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/davos-rattled-over-trump-zelensky-warns-europe-will-lose-ukraine

最近在瑞士达沃斯举行的著名世界经济论坛上举行的世界领导人会议上,唐纳德·特朗普和乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基都抢尽了风头。 尽管特朗普巩固了自己作为 2024 年共和党领先者的地位,但泽伦斯基对选举结果表示担忧,担心失去欧洲的支持可能会导致完全失去乌克兰。 他警告说,如果没有持续的援助,乌克兰将成为欧洲最强大的敌人俄罗斯的宝贵资产。 此外,在安德鲁主持的问答环节中,泽伦斯基驳斥了一些共和党人的说法,即他们可以比拜登政府更好地处理俄罗斯问题。 与此同时,据报道,达沃斯的多位与会者表达了他们对特朗普赢得即将到来的选举对全球企业的潜在影响的担忧,特别是考虑到特朗普在爱荷华州高票选举中以压倒性优势击败共和党竞争对手。 在论坛期间,泽连斯基会见了几位美国知名人士,包括对冲基金经理,如黑石集团的史蒂夫·施瓦茨曼、桥水基金的雷·达利奥、凯雷集团的大卫·鲁宾斯坦,以及科技亿万富翁、戴尔公司的迈克尔·戴尔。 在乌克兰建议的一次高管聚会上,泽伦斯基敦促所有十八岁至三十五岁之间有能力的个人积极参与对抗俄罗斯对手的战斗。 此外,乌克兰总统还要求对普京家人的任何不当行为进行严厉处罚。



As the World Economic Forum (WEF) kicks off in Davos, Switzerland, two people are the talk of the town - Donald Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky - the former of whom just cemented his position as the leader of the Republican party going into the 2024 US election, and Zelensky, who was freaking about about it.

According to the NY Times, "Zelensky used an expletive to describe a Trump claim about containing Vladimir Putin," (without revealing said expletive), and suggested that if the US withdraws support, Europe will 'lose Ukraine.'

At a Q. and A. with journalists that Andrew moderated, Zelensky dismissed the idea that Trump could stop the Russian president from going after other parts of Europe. Putin, he added, “will not stop — but the question is what will the U.S. and Trump do after this point, because in this case it will mean that Europe lost the most useful and most strong army in Europe because we lost Ukraine.”

He also demanded EU troops for Ukraine.

Following his decisive victory in this week's Iowa Caucus, Trump pledged that if he wins the election, he'll solve the war in Ukraine "very quickly" because he knows Russian President Vladimir Putin and Zelensky "very well."

According to the Times, Zelensky initially downplayed worries about Trump, and whether the former US president's re-election would lead to a drop in support for Ukraine. "One man cannot change the whole nation," he said during the Q&A.

Zelensky later acknowledged that a win for Trump could affect his country's military campaign or settlement talks, claiming that "radical voices from the Republican Party" have caused tension and pain for Ukrainians.

More via DealBook:

Zelensky isn’t the only leader at Davos worried about Trump. Multiple attendees have told DealBook that the outcome of the election is a potential risk for business, particularly after the former president thumped his Republican rivals in the Iowa caucuses.

The Ukrainian leader has sought to shore up global business support. He spoke at a private gathering of executives organized by JPMorgan Chase, which is advising Ukraine on its reconstruction efforts.

In the audience at the Congress Center for the talk were Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone, Ray Dalio of Bridgewater, David Rubenstein of Carlyle and Michael Dell of Dell, DealBook hears.

Zelensky also said that US-China tensions are affecting Ukraine, and that bringing Beijing in for postwar reconstruction is important.

He also called on anyone of 'mobilization age' in Ukraine to fight, and for punishing Putin's children and grandchildren.

Well then.

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