COVID Inquiry Finds Lockdowns Were Terrible, While Reporters Call Bull**it On Government's Lead Academic Advisor

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/covid-inquiry-finds-lockdowns-were-terrible-while-reporters-call-bullit-governments-lead

在英国正在进行的 COVID-19 调查期间,政府高级顾问马克·伍尔豪斯 (Mark Woolhouse) 批评 BBC 散布有关 COVID-19 风险的虚假信息,以证明严格的封锁措施是合理的。 流行病学专家伍尔豪斯表示,政府未能考虑这些限制的长期后果,包括对经济的损害、心理健康问题、对教育、医疗保健的干扰和不平等。 此外,伍尔豪斯表示,健康年轻人中罕见的死亡或疾病被夸大了,导致封锁可能造成长期伤害。 与此同时,英国政府新冠疫情应对小组的知名人物德维·斯里达尔教授因可能向政策制定者提供有关“零新冠”政策的糟糕​​建议而面临审查,一些专家称这些政策具有破坏性,最终不应该被推行。 这一丑闻让人想起媒体在没有批判性分析或彻底调查的情况下盲目接受和宣传政府流行病政策的方式,伍尔豪斯的证词强调了这一点。 《虚假信息编年史》强调了这个问题在多个国家的普遍性。



Authored by Paul D. Thacker via The Disinformation Chronicle,

While America has chosen to ignore most COVID policy failures, unless they can be used to score partisan political points, the British government has been running a COVID Inquiry, examining mistakes the government made to better prepare for the next pandemic. The proceedings took an interesting turn in recent days, when top government advisor Mark Woolhouse at the University of Edinburgh lambasted the BBC for misrepresenting COVID risks to promote harmful lockdowns, while senior government advisor Devi Sridhar, also at the University of Edinburgh, kind of admitted that she maybe, perhaps gave poor advice—alerting several reporters who began calling her out on social media and documenting her blatant lies.

The statements by both academics underscore that lockdowns failed as a pandemic policy but were enforced with the help of media who, instead of challenging government policies, began promoting them.

I find it extraordinary that no formal assessment of the expected impact of lockdown was implemented,” testified Woolhouse, who studies infectious disease epidemiology, and advises the Scottish government on pandemics. “This despite it being obvious that lockdown was likely to cause severe harms to the economy, education, mental health, health care access and societal well-being … exacerbating inequalities.”

Government advice on pandemics did not “consider the wider harms caused by the response to the pandemic” such as government policies that led to school closures and the banning of outdoor activities, even though the virus did not transmit well outdoors, Woolhouse said. He added that the risk of a child dying from COVID was “about the same as the risk of that child being struck by lightning in the playground” causing the government to ignore that the virus was “ten thousand times” more deadly to the elderly.

“In the media, the BBC television news repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm, again creating a misleading impression of who was at greater or lesser risk,” Woolhouse testified. “I suspect this misinformation was allowed to stand throughout 2020 because it provided a justification for locking down the entire population.

In fact, the BBC ran a fact check in early 2021 that promoted lockdowns, and the BBC’s much derided “disinformation reporter” Marianna Spring wrote an article months later that compared lockdown critics to climate denialists:

Anti-lockdown and anti-vaccine Telegram groups, which once focused exclusively on the pandemic, are now injecting the climate change debate with the same conspiratorial narratives they use to explain the pandemic.

The posts go far beyond political criticism and debate - they're full of incorrect information, fake stories and pseudoscience.

Ignoring their complicity in promoting government mistakes, the BBC focused coverage on Woolhouse’s criticism of harmful policies such as school closures and lockdowns, while other outlets, such as The Telegraph, headlined barbs Woolhouse shot at the BBC.

Another high point of the government’s COVID inquiry involved Devi Sridhar, a professor of global health who closely advised Scotland’s leader during the pandemic. Sridhar now claims that she didn’t advise the government on “Zero COVID” policies to eliminate the virus—policies that all experts now agree were harmful.

In a rambling explanation that stretches on for several pages of transcript, Sridhar testified that she was for Zero COVID, but not really, but “yes” she was—confusing the inquiry counsel, who was forced to ask additional questions to get Sridhar to clarify her position. Several times.

“So your position—thank you for that,” said the inquiry counsel at one point. “Could I make another—repeat my plea on behalf of the stenographer?

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