The Vectrex Computer

原始链接: https://www.amigalove.com/viewtopic.php?t=2887

一位Vectrex游戏机爱好者花费大量时间和精力翻阅旧的《Electronic Games》杂志,以寻找他长期记忆中一件事情的佐证:一款从未面世的Vectrex电脑扩展配件的公告。经过多年的搜索,这篇文章终于被找到了。 这个由通用消费电子公司(General Consumer Electronics)开发的扩展配件,本来可以将Vectrex游戏机变成一台家用电脑,拥有16K ROM和16K RAM、一个65键键盘,并使用“晶圆磁带”(wafer-tapes)提供128K的存储空间。它内置了BASIC语言,并计划配备文字处理器。杂志中提到了五个最初的软件标题:《声音工作室》(The Sound Studio)、《探索太阳系》(Exploring the Solar System)、《创造游戏/迷宫》(Create-A-Game/Maze)、《BASIC动画统治》(Basic Animation Domination)和《BASIC科学》(Basic Science)。 尽管与Commodore 64等竞争对手相比,它的RAM容量逊色不少,但在当时,这个扩展配件对Vectrex的粉丝来说仍然是令人兴奋的消息。这篇文章的重新发现证实了这个被遗忘项目的真实存在,并消除了这位爱好者记忆错误的任何疑虑。文中提到的光笔和护目镜确实生产了,但电脑扩展配件却遗憾地未能问世。

Hacker News 最新 | 过去 | 评论 | 提问 | 展示 | 招聘 | 提交 登录 Vectrex电脑 (amigalove.com) erickhill 38分钟前 7分 | 隐藏 | 过去 | 收藏 | 1条评论 gcanyon 15分钟前 [–] 我以前玩过Vectrex,非常有趣——尤其因为我之前在Cinematronix工作过。我真的很希望Vectrex更成功,但是矢量显示器实在太有限了。伪高分辨率的优势不足以克服你实际上只能绘制大约40到80条线(取决于线的长度和间距)的事实。 回复 加入我们,参加6月16日至17日在旧金山举行的AI创业学校! 指南 | 常见问题 | 列表 | API | 安全 | 法律 | 申请YC | 联系我们 搜索:
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  • 原文
    If you're a Vectrex fan, be prepared to mourn what never came to be…

    Since I have nothing better to do as I get over an annoying head cold, I've been lying in bed today downloading every issue of Electronic Games magazine and converting each one into OCR searchable text. For decades I've had this nagging memory of a Vectrex computer announcement that never made it to production, and I was convinced it was from that publication. I owned a Vectrex at the time and would scour the game magazines for any tiny shred of news they might provide about my system. To their credit they seemed to bend over backwards to mention when a new Vectrex game hit store shelves, it just didn't happen that often enough for the Vectrex. I was usually lucky to find a couple inches of text per issue, and these were over 100 pages long each month.

    But I remember reading about this supposed computer "add-on" and that the article was actually more than just a blurb and had some images. I never forgot about it. But, all these decades later I was never able to find that announcement. Every few years I'd look around and give up. I honestly started to wonder recently if I'd invented the memory.

    Some of the magazine scans on Archive.org are giant unsearchable image-based PDFs so not even Google could see inside them. So, today I started to download issues one at a time, convert them to 600 dpi for OCR scanning in Adobe Acrobat and started searching for "vectrex". Over, and over, and over. Amazing what illness can spawn sometimes.

    After a few hours I FOUND IT. AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!!!

    Behold (in text) - the mythological Vectrex Computer. Supposedly it even had 5 titles ready to ship in early 1984!

    Screenshot 2025-03-22 at 1.49.31 PM.jpg
    Both the light pen and goggles mentioned in the article were in fact produced and sold for a brief time.

    Since not everyone can see images, here is the text that matters from the article:
    Believe it or not, the Vectrex stand-alone unit can now be transformed into a home computer!
    With the assistance of a new keyboard developed by General Consumer Electronics, the plug-in adds 16K ROM and 16K RAM to the unit, and even incorporates a 65-key typewriter-style keyboard. Software for the computer is made on wafer-tapes, providing for 128K bytes of storage. BASIC's built into the system, and the keyboard is just the first step toward a word processor that'll be introduced in early 1984.

    Five cartridges for the 1983 computer include:
    The Sound Studio, a music composition aid
    Exploring the Solar System
    Create-A-Game/Maze, which teaches the user to program his very own video-entertainment
    Basic Animation Domination
    Basic Science, a game teaching the fundamental concepts of physics

    A 65-key keyboard would have been one less key than a Commodore 64. I have no idea what "wafer-tape" storage is, but 128K storage sounds pretty interesting for the timeframe. A typical 5.25" floppy disk could hold ~170KB per side and a datasette cassette could hold about 100KB per side.

    The Vectrex has 1KB of RAM and 8KB of ROM. So this computer would have beefed it up to a knee-buckling 17KB of RAM. That seems a little light given the fact the C64 and Atari 800xl were already on the market with 64KB. Regardless, the games the Vectrex had already had impressive visuals and sound even with such meager system stats thanks to cartridge storage, so who knows what may have been possible?

    I remember being so excited as a kid when I read that news. Sad it never came to pass, but I'm really glad I finally rediscovered the article and it wasn't a human intelligence (HI) hallucination!

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