Trump Border Czar: Mass Deportations Of Illegals Starts Day One

原始链接: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-border-czar-mass-deportations-illegals-starts-day-one

特朗普总统即将上任的边境沙皇汤姆·霍曼宣布,无论是否有任何延误,都将从特朗普第二任期的第一天开始在美国境内大规模逮捕和驱逐非法移民。霍曼声称,ICE 已经查明了许多罪犯,但由于当前政府的政策,他们无法逮捕这些罪犯。 霍曼强调了庇护城市拒绝与 ICE 合作所带来的挑战。当被问及委内瑞拉等国家不接受驱逐出境的问题时,霍曼表示相信特朗普总统有能力与其他国家谈判达成协议,包括那些愿意接受第三国被驱逐者的国家。 尽管声称拜登总统的驱逐人数比特朗普总统多,但霍曼指出,拜登的大部分数字来自边境巡逻队的逮捕,而不是内部执法。霍曼强调需要优先考虑公共安全并解决委内瑞拉帮派暴力问题,并发誓上任后立即驱逐成员。


Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

President Trump’s incoming border czar Tom Homan unequivocally outlined that mass arrests and deportations of illegal immigrants inside the US will begin on day one of Trump’s second term and will not be delayed under any circumstances.

In an interview with CBS News, Homan asserted “We know where a lot of the criminals are. ICE is great at this work, we know where some are, but they simply haven’t been able to go arrest them because Secretary Mayorkas’s priorities have handcuffed ICE.”

“We know where a lot of the criminals are, they have been prevented from arresting. We are gonna arrest starting day one,” Homan reiterated.

Homan further noted that sanctuary cities refuse to work with ICE, stating ”We would love to work in local jails, but sanctuary cities won’t allow us into those jails. It’s much easier to arrest a public safety threat in the safety and security in the public jail than out in the street.”

Anchor Margaret Brennan then asked Homan what will happen if the illegals are not accepted back by their home countries.

“Where do you send people because some of these countries, like Venezuela, don’t accept deportations right now?” Brennan asked.

“First of all, we got President Trump coming into the Oval Office, and he has proven during his first administration his leadership,” Homan responded adding “It took President Trump 48 hours to get El Salvador to take back their criminal aliens into their prisons.”

“Mexico didn’t want to do the ‘Remain in Mexico’ program, but President Trump was able to get ‘Remain in Mexico’ established in Mexico. He was able to get Mexico [to] put military in the southern and northern border,” Homan added.

He continued, “This administration has not forced these countries to take them back and we have what we call a third safe country. We already have countries talking about taking back people from other countries. For instance Venezuela doesn’t take their people back. There’s other ways we can do it. There’s other countries [who’d] be willing to accept them.”

“We’re hoping that President Trump will work with Venezuela like he did with Mexico and El Salvador and get these countries to take them back. If they don’t, they’re still gonna be deported, they’re just gonna be deported to a different country,” Homan further asserted.

“We’re not gonna be held up on removing public safety threats in this country. We have to put the safety of the American people first,” Homan emphasised, adding “We’ve had too many young women murdered and raped and burned alive by members of Venezuelan gangs. They need to be a priority under this administration. It’s [going to] be a priority starting day one and they will be deported.”

As we have previously highlighted, insiders say Trump already has deals in place to send illegals to Turks and Caicos, the Bahamas, Grenada, Panama or possibly elsewhere should their home countries refuse to take them back.

At one point during the interview, Brennan suggested Trump isn’t as strong on deportations as Homan indicates by suggesting that Biden had more deportations than during Trump’s first term.

Homan noted that 80 percent of the Biden administration’s ‘deportation’ numbers are from Border Patrol arrests that were moved back across the southern border.

“They weren’t interior enforcement arrests,” he said, adding the Biden administration is “playing a numbers game.”

“You can compare the number of deportations under Trump versus Biden. When you consider a 45-year low in crossings, the number of deportations [is] going to be lower because we don’t have that population to process and deport,” Homan also pointed out.

The full interview is below:

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